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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 199     Entry time: 03 May 2017, 11:04
Author: Tobias Haas 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status after 0930 meeting 

Tunnel Status: XTD2/4/10 closed. XTD9 open. Controlled Access to 2/4/10 possible upon request


Vacuum (M. Dommach):

  • Systematic tests of ion pumps in XTD9 concluded
  • Tests of DPS in XTD9 should happen today with R. Villanueva
  • Systematic tests of all interlock conditions in XTD9 should happen tomorrow

PBLMs (H. Sinn, P. Gessler):

  • Debugging session for the ELMO controller was successful. The problem was traced to details in the parameter settings
  • Proper setting of parameters is tricky and requires care and expert knowledge.
  • Proper parameters now need to be programmed into the firmware. Manual setting is also possible but not favored.
  • AE will set this up and deploy next week in order to maximise optimal use of resources (This week only one expert, TF, is here)

Imagers (A. Koch):

  • Imagers in XTD2 and XTD9 are ready for beam
  • It is important that images can be stored. This is not yet the case and will be required latest when PBS commissioning starts
  • AK will be away from tomorrow until next Thursday

XGM (J. Grünert):

  • Late yesterday, Karabo went into error triggering the interlock on the Vatterfly valves on both XGMs. Pressure is still low but slowly rising
  • If the condition cannot be resolved remotely a local intervention is necessary. This can possibly wait until the scheduled interrupt tomorrow
  • Today tests should occur with the DESY experts for gas injection
  • Tests are currently hindered by the Karabo problem. AS suspects that this may have to do with the redeployment of Karabo yesterday. He is now working with high pressure on solving the problem

FXE (A. Galler):

  • Currently commissioning loop 1. There is still a problem reading out encoders. It appears that this is a firmware issue. TF is working on this.

SPB (B Weinhausen):

  • Fixes were deployed in the firmware for the Reinshaw encoder problem (16/32 bit issue). Still one encoder is in error. TF points out that this is a different problem. He will investigate

PLC (P. Gessler, T. Freyermuth):

  • CRL in XTD2 was integrated into the PLC motion loop yesterday during the access.
  • Meeting today with DESY experts to finalise the EPS logic
  • Focus this week on SPB and AGIPD

Karabo (A. Silenzi):

  • Karabo (Components Beckhoff-Device and Beckhoff-Com) were re-deployed yesterday.
  • This maybe the origin of the problems observed in the evening 

Plans for today:

  • XGM work on gas injection
  • Bring back Karabo and clear XGM error codes
  • Perform systematic test of DPS in XTD9

Other topics:

  • No 09:30 meeting tomorrow due to access. 
  • Request should be made to break the interlock in XTD10 on maintenance days in order to allow continuation of installation work


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