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  OPERATION-2024 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, H.Sinn, Page 6 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Group Subject
  124   11 Jun 2024, 00:43 Abhisakh SarmaSPBShift summary

**X-ray delivery**

  • 7.0 keV, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz, 1.0 mJ.

**Optical laser delivery**

  • ns laser for jet illumination


  • Data collection completed for all the requested samples from user.


  • Run repeater behave once abnormally.  Run repeater started with 30 minutes duration, but the first run (run #238) stopped after 40 seconds and next run (run #239) started.


  123   09 Jun 2024, 22:45 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.0 keV, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz, 1.0 mJ.

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for jet illumination


  • Data collection for user sample through column


  • Pressure spike while rotating nozzle tripped AGIPD
  • Temperature of ASICs of Q2M1 module too low and not easy to turn it on (issue solved after changing the bath temperature to -27 degreeC)
  • Julabo chiller issue again (In the end, set temperature changed to -29.5 degreeC and continued the experiment)
  • Another 2 ASICs in Q2M2 and Q2M3 seem unhappy
  122   09 Jun 2024, 22:21 Giuseppe MercurioSCSShift summary

Late Shift summary

- recovered the beam overlap
- changed lens position to have larger OL beam
- spatial overlap on YAG
- measured RIXS data delay scan at fixed photon energy

- none

  121   08 Jun 2024, 23:20 Abhisakh SarmaSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery
- 7.0 keV, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz, 1.0 mJ.
- X-ray beam pointing changed at around 18:12 and it affects nano KB focus (from ~200nm to ~1um).

Optical laser delivery
- ns laser for jet illumination

- Detector moved the most upstream position (~1.5 m sample to detector distance)
- BG measurement with water, buffer low salt
- Silver Behenate measurement for geometry file (mostly for detector distance)
- Data collection for different sample (pure) concentrations

  120   08 Jun 2024, 15:21 Natalia GerasimovaSCSShift summary

Morning shift on 08.06.2024 (Natalia, Teguh, Yi Ping)


  • Focus the KB to ca. 40 um
  • Found time zero using delay scan of the RIXS PFY
  • Found strong pump probe effect on the Fe reference sample


  • We lost pump probe signal during time zero scan
  • The static RIXS count is halved
  119   07 Jun 2024, 23:12 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery
- 7.0 keV, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz, 1.0 mJ.
- Average pulse energy was about 1.9 mJ on Tuesday and Wednesday. It has to be discussed with BKR tomorrow morning.

Optical laser delivery
- ns laser for jet illumination

- BG measurement with water, buffer low salt
- Lysozyme measurement for geometry file
- Data collection for six different sample concentrations [2 x 15 minutes runs]

- Pulse energy is very low as compared with Tuesday and Wednesday in this week.
- Damage found on IRU_SLIT4 Top and Bottom blades.
- NKB focus moved by ~20um at around 15:00 (during the handover period). SideMic X moved +20um to compensate it.

  118   07 Jun 2024, 15:19 Giuseppe MercurioSCSShift summary

Morning Shift Summary for 07.06.2024 (Teguh, Natalia)


  • Aligned the beamline to deliver the FEL beam into the hutch
  • Check the FEL beam size using knife-edge scans
  • Requested BKR to re-tune the FEL to achieve higher pulse energy. They are still tuning, but we aim to reach 3 mJ per pulse


  • The filter between CHEM and hRIXS broke, so we had to replace it twice as it kept being broken whenever we close the filter. We fixed it by exchanging the O-ring and tightening the filter more when mounting it.
  • In the morning BKR did not tune the FEL properly, so the pointing was wrong and it took them 1 hour to fix it.
  117   05 Jun 2024, 23:22 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.0 keV, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz, 1.6-1.9 mJ.
  • Average pulse energy tuned up to 1.9 mJ at 14:45, but slow continuous decay after that down to 1.7 mJ at the end of the shift.
  • 45 minutes downtime in the morning and another 15 minutes to reset the IBFB later on, as coordinated by the PRC.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz.
  • Large intensirty gradient through the burst compared to previous days. Recovered after moving the RF phase shifter. LAS informed.


  • Collected calibration and background data for upcoming user experiment.
  116   04 Jun 2024, 23:38 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.0 keV, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz, ~1.7 mJ.
  • Number of pulses initially limited to 178. Promptly addressed by BKR.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz.
  • Oscillating wavelength due to known faulty DMBCC stage, but otherwise stable delivery.


  • Aligned instrument and collected data with test samples as well as various background signals in preparation for next suer experiment.


  • Changing the ROI of a Zyla appears to affect its timing.
  115   27 May 2024, 23:33 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 6.0 keV, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz 1.3-1.8 mJ.
  • Decaying intensity through the day. Recovered once at 15:15 and slowly decaying again after that.

Optical laser delivery

  • 770 nm, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz and 101 at 282 kHz.
  • Wavelength drift due to problem with BCC piezo stage. Mitigated by LAS.


  • Collected time-resolved diffraction from gold and gold-platinum nanorods/spheres at multiple laser fluences.


  • Problem with the four ASICs in module Q2M1 of AGIPD could not be solved. Operated without those for today. Will be further investigated later on.
  114   27 May 2024, 06:41 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDShift summary

beam parameters: 2 colors at around 6.5 keV, 1 pulse


user program continues with data acquisition at slightly varying photon energies (tens of eV both colors simultaneously) and at different delays between the colors


  • users have scheduled datasets to be measured overnight with larger delays up to 350 fs, however, the BKR was able to go only up to 100 fs delay despite having larger delays earlier in the experiment (even during nights)
  113   26 May 2024, 23:23 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 6.0 keV, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz, 1.8-1.9 mJ.
  • Stable delivery except for downtime at start of shift (until 7:15) and two more hours in the morning.

Optical laser delivery

  • 770 nm, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz.
  • Stable delivery.


  • Collected time-resolved diffraction from gold and gold-platinum nanorods at multiple laser fluences.


  • Vacuum spike in EHU_PSLIT section.
  • DAMNIT backend process stuck. A couple of Maxwell nodes were unaccessible. Solved by DOC and DA OCD.
  • Issue with two AGIPD modules noticed around 21:20. Could not be recovered before end of the shift. To be further investigated tomorrow morning.
  112   26 May 2024, 21:56 Thomas BaumannSQSStability Issue

We asked the machine for two color mode in the morning. Tuning gave good results at first (1.6mJ second color, 100uJ first color), but as soon as any of the colors was switched off and on again the pulse energy dropped (~600uJ) and BKR had to retune to even get a fraction of the pulse energy back back. The same happened when changing the delay


  111   26 May 2024, 00:23 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 6.0 keV, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz and 101 at 282 kHz, 0.8-1.6 mJ
  • Low pulse energy after beam handover. Improved around 10:00.
  • ~1.5 hour downtime due to issue with A5.
  • Several timing jumps of up to 1.5 ps visible on BAM and confirmed by X-ray/optical laser timing measurement at the instrument.

Optical laser delivery

  • 770 nm, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz and 101 at 282 kHz.
  • Stable delivery.


  • Collected time-resolved diffraction from gold and gold-platinum nanorods at multiple laser fluences and over long and short delay scans.


  • AGIPD interlocked overnight and again during the morning due to temperature.
  • Had to perform timing measurement and correction multiple times throughout the day due to timing jumps.
  110   25 May 2024, 02:38 Rebecca BollSQSIssue

Today in the afternoon, SASE1 was tuned (a description of the activities in att 4). We now realize that this has in some form changed the SQS pulse parameters.

att 1 shows ion spectra recorded under nominally the same photon parameters before (run 177) and after (run 247)

it's also visible in the history of the SASE viewer that the behavior of the SASE3 pulse energy is different before and after 15:45, which is right when SASE1 was tuned. it clearly started fluctuating more. however, we don't think that the pulse energy fluctuations themselves are the reason for the large change in our data, we rather suspect a change in the pulse duration and/or the source point to cause this. however, we have no means to characterize this now after the fact.

it is particularly unfortunate that the tuning happened exactly BEFORE we started recording a set of reference spectra on the SASE3 spectrometer, which were supposed to serve as a calibration for the spectral corelation analysis to determine the group duration, as well as for a training data set to use the PES with machine learning as a virtual spectrometer for the large data set taken in the shifts before.

  109   19 May 2024, 15:20 Antje TrappXROHED 6keV after Euler MDL
  108   19 May 2024, 14:49 Antje TrappXROM1 - M2 - M3 euler fine tuning geometriy parameters

We fine tuned geometry parameters for linear effects on X motion (parallel offset) for all three mirrors.

dTz was corrected for M2 and M3 to -6.5mm (same geometry)

dTz was corrected for M1 to +6mm

for M2 we were able to do a parabola scan Y motion to check for lrTz

lrTz was then corrected to -433mm

correction in the same direction for M3 did not yield better results

Final mirror positions at HED - see picture

  107   17 May 2024, 10:42 Dirk RaiserSQSStatus

Laser status:

After the laser issues listed in the late shift was finally able to find a timing setting for the amplifier trigger that was beyond stable settings under usual conditions, but which allowed to continue taking data runs for the rest of the beamtime reliably. The users were already able to reveal indications of a pump-probe signal in their data.

The issue itself remains but didn't show up in form of unstabilities anymore. After the beamtime LAS took some effort to investigate and narrow down to either a faulty trigger going into the front-end amplifier or on the front-end amplifier itself. To the best of our knowledge this circumstance will need to involve EEE support or even a service from the manufacturer and cannot be solved solely by LAS. LAS ensured that the highest priority will be to deliver stable laser pulses for next week's beamtime as well.

FEL status:

we found the FEL poynting to be very stable troughout the last weeks beamtime (despite some short down-times), which allowed to reliably verify the spatial overlap.

  106   14 May 2024, 11:49 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 11.56 keV, 1-197 pulses @ 564 kHz, 2.6 mJ.

Optical laser delivery

  • No PP laser output after shift change.


  • Collected static SFX data.


  • Unavailability of PP laser prevented collection of TR-SFX data, which was the main goal of the shift.
  105   14 May 2024, 09:56 Andreas KochXPDIssue

EPS issue for Transmissive imager SA1 (OTRC.2615.T9) w.r.t Operation eLog #96

The motor screen positions w.r.t. the EPS switches had been realigned (last Wednesday 8th May), tested today (14th May) and the EPS is again enabled for the different beam modes. All is back to normal.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00