ID |
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Subject |
30 Jul 2024, 10:38 |
Antje Trapp | | Solid attenuator arm 5 limit switch | On 27th of July, it was reported that arm 5 of the solid attenuator did not stay in 'out' position when retracted, but moved in immediately again.
Reason was, that the limit switch for the 'out'-position did not trigger, and thus the actuator was in error state. Default for error state is 'in'. In order to keep the arm removed, the default was changed on PLC level for the time being.
Today, 30th of July, we did ZZ to investigate the issue. It was found that the bar that accommodates the upper and lower limit switches had become loose and the limit switches were pressed out of the way by the motion, rather than being triggered.
The reason for the bar becoming loose, probably is a not ideal alignment of pneumatic actuator, guiding rod and limit switch bar, which resulted in a small relative motion between the three. This was fixed and limit switches were again aligned and trigger in both 'in' and 'out' position.
We believe, this will remain stable until WMP, but should be investigated more thoroughly, as we could not reach very well all connections in situ.
18 Apr 2024, 23:19 |
Jan Gruenert | PRC | Issue | 22h55:
HED informs that they have issues with the HED pulse picker in XTD6. It affects the ongoing experiment, but not to an extent that they cannot continue the beamtime.
It will be more an issue for the next beamtime starting this weekend, therefore they are looking into solutions, working together with DOC and EEE.
They might need a ZZ access to XTD6 to check the pulse picker mechanics outside vacuum. |
26 Nov 2022, 10:40 |
Wolfgang Freund | XPD | Diamond detector / DDM commissioning | beam: 30 keV / 30 uJ
reduce to single bunch for insertion
put FEL imager in
put DD into beam at X=178 mm
we found the signal
centering the DD by minimising the diffrence signal
Bias voltage = 40 V
when moving Y there seems to be some mechanical bending of the detector holder. The position reached the negative end of the range (approx. -9 mm).
When moving out and in again we could find the beam at:
X= 178.629 (centred)
Y= -3.48 (close to center)
see screenshot
run 29 with DD and IMGFEL
The aperture was opened by moving the slits from 2x2 to 4x4 mm
switch to 2 bunches
try to center Y position
stop run 29
run 30: approx. 5 min at this position
change FEL-imager ND filter to 0.9 to avoid saturation
take IMGFEL out and switch to 50 bunches
actual X center = 178.44
move left until we loose the signal and scan x from 176.5 to 179.9
y signal changes -> mechanical coupling
run 32
in order to center the Y position we had to move 2 mm down to -5.53
run 33:
move left until we loose the signal and scan x from 176.5 to 179.9
y signal changes
Now the center of y seems to be at -2.88 mm
Image was observed with FEL YAG imager, x movement does not result in a horizontal motion but it is some sort of a diagonal motion
After some movements the y center is now at -5.23 mm
After a new try the y center is at -3.37 mm
Due to the mechanical problem with the Y-position we do the scan with the K-mono chamber X-motor
see elogs from Jan and Tuba
Sascha made an orbit kick with 150 bunches
due to some numerical problem the kick is disturbed (see screenshot)
DD can reproduce the kick trace
take run 40
Sascha altered the orbit again 150 bunches
(see attached graph)
take run 41
set bias from 40 V to 100 V
run 42
Bias set to 40 V again
beam changed to 27 keV
x-calibration scan from 8.3 to 11.7 (K-mono X)
run 43
Bias -> 100 V
run 44 (as before)
Bias -> 20 V
run 45
Suspicion: beam is touching K-mono setup
move K-mono chamber to X=4.6 mm and move DDM X to 173.55
Y again has to be adjusted, is now -3.18
bias set to 40 V
scan K-mono X from 3.1 to 6.1
run 46
bias runs: see Tuba's elog
26 Jan 2024, 15:24 |
Antje Trapp | XRO | end of shift summary | Vertical motors of M3 now calibrated in first iteration and gemetrical neutral calibrated to 0 in motor settings!!!
New HED positions saved in XRO setpoints 'C'
euler calibration not completed for M3 |
25 Jan 2024, 14:57 |
Antje Trapp | XRO | end of shift summary | It was possible to align to HED in parasitic mode to seeding tests
mirror horizontal position (coating stripes) was optimized as far as possible under parasitic conditions
vertical motors calibration and EulerMDL calibration still to be done - collimated beam needed for that. |
24 Jan 2024, 14:00 |
Antje Trapp | XRO | scanning for HED beam | We found reflection of M3 on M2 popin, but could not locate the beam on HED PBLM nor HED_XTD6_SDLBM-1
scanning both horizontally and vertically around previously saved positions on M3 popin.
managed to get beam through to sdlbm-1. No beam found downstream of that.
Saved motor positions in last picture
28 Nov 2023, 19:36 |
Jan Gruenert | XPD | Status | Ramp down activities completed by XPD. References:
- ...until...
The XFEL photon beam was switched off as planned at 19h00 sharp.
Machine is preparing for opening the photon tunnels tomorrow morning and to start the winter maintenance period. |
26 Nov 2023, 23:26 |
Adam Round | SPB | Shift summary | X-ray delivery
- 16.9 keV, up to 30 pulses and 1.1 MHz for alignment, 1 pulse for data collection
- 800 uJ
- Beam pointing and corrected with M2 Ry piezo stepping optimizing scatering intensity seen on JF4M
Optical laser delivery
- Crystal diffraction data from user samples
- pointing stability was again an issue but adjusting with M2 Ry piezo stepping optimizing scattering intensity seen on JF4M enabled online correction
25 Nov 2023, 23:45 |
Chan Kim | SPB | Shift summary | X-ray delivery
- 16.9 keV, up to 30 pulses and 1.1 MHz for alignment, 1 pulse for data collection
- 800 uJ
- Beam pointing and stability issues towards end of shift (again)
Optical laser delivery
- Crystal diffraction data from several samples collected with detector close up two sample to detector position
- The counts in the pupil has been dropping over the day and less than yesterday (one issue was a YAG screen in SPB_XTD9_IMGPI)
- pointing stability of beam in the end of the day (similar to yesterday)
25 Nov 2023, 19:56 |
Chan Kim | SPB | other | Beam drift in the horizontal direction (XTD9_XGM).
From ~16:00, X-ray beam started to drift in the horizontal direction. In total, ~0.3 mm drift observed within 2-3 hours.
Attachment 1: Beam X position in XTD2_XGM and XTD9_XGM |
24 Nov 2023, 23:11 |
Chan Kim | SPB | Shift summary | X-ray delivery
- 16.9 keV, up to 30 pulses and 1.1 MHz for alignment, 1 pulse for data collection
- 900 uJ
- Beam pointing and stability issues towards end of shift
Optical laser delivery
- Crystal diffraction data from 4 different samples collected with detector close up two sample to detector position
- Jungrfau gain visualisation caused some concern - was confirmed with the hlp of DOC to be a known issue that the Medium and low gains are masked in that region leding to dark areas in corrected map
- sample collision with cone and OSA required realignment of the setup
- pointing stability of beam in the end of the day (BKR confirmed that the electron orbit is okay. So, we may need to contact PRC)
24 Nov 2023, 20:48 |
Chan Kim | SPB | other | Beam drift in the horizontal direction (XTD9_XGM x position) started at around 10am and continuously drifted until 16:00.
After then, beam has been drifted back to original position within 4 hours. |
24 Nov 2023, 05:07 |
Bjoern Senfftleben | | Sample Camera got stuck (likely at 11pm) and was only noticed at 5am | After going in and reconnecting the camera, we observe att. 1.
According to logs the camera device server was restarted around 11pm, however the camera instance was never reinstantiated after the restart. The Karabo GUI did not indicate that properly, instead showed a frozen image that looked as if the camera works properly.
(see history of camera state in att. 2)
Device Server log shows that after camera connection was lost, the device server restarted?! Was this restart done on purpose?
2023-11-23T23:02:22.499 ERROR karabo.AravisBasler2Camera : SQS_AQS_UPP/CAM/A2A1920_2: Could not synchronize timestamp: GigEVision write_memory timeout
2023-11-23T23:02:27.504 ERROR karabo.AravisCamera : SQS_AQS_UPP/CAM/A2A1920_2: arv_device_get_float_feature_value failed: GigEVision read_memory timeout
2023-11-23T23:02:30.007 WARN karabo.AravisCamera : SQS_AQS_UPP/CAM/A2A1920_2: Control of the camera exflqr50765 is lost
INFO Successfully loaded plugin: ""
INFO Successfully loaded plugin: ""
2023-11-23T23:02:33.773 INFO openMq : Opened TCP connection to broker %s:%d.
2023-11-23T23:02:33.775 INFO openMq : Connection ping enabled (ping interval = %d second).
2023-11-23T23:02:33.778 INFO openMq : Connection connected to broker
2023-11-23T23:02:33.778 INFO : Opened TCP connection to broker tcp://sa3-br-sys-broker-2:7777
2023-11-23T23:02:33.779 INFO karabo.core.DeviceServer : Logfiles are written to: "/scratch/xctrl/karabo/var/log/cppServer/sqs_nqs_vmi_cam/device-server.log"
2023-11-23T23:02:34.785 INFO karabo.xms.SignalSlotable : Instance starts up in topic 'SQS' as 'cppServer/sqs_nqs_vmi_cam' - Karabo 2.16.6
2023-11-23T23:02:34.786 INFO cppServer/sqs_nqs_vmi_cam : DeviceServer starts up with id: cppServer/sqs_nqs_vmi_cam
2023-11-23T23:02:34.786 INFO cppServer/sqs_nqs_vmi_cam : Updated list of devices available: AlarmService,AravisBasler2Camera,AravisBaslerCamera,AravisCamera,AravisPhotonicScienceCamera,CameraImageSource,DataLoggerManager,FileDataLogger,FileLogReader,Gotthard2Control,Gotthard2Receiver,GotthardControl,GotthardReceiver,GuiServerDevice,ImageSource,InfluxDataLogger,InfluxLogReader,JungfrauControl,JungfrauReceiver,PropertyTest
2023-11-23T23:02:34.934 INFO karabo.core.DeviceServer : Sending instance update as new device plugins are available: AravisBasler2Camera,AravisBaslerCamera
2023-11-23T23:02:34.934 INFO cppServer/sqs_nqs_vmi_cam : Keep watching directory: "/scratch/xctrl/karabo/plugins" for Device plugins
2023-11-23T23:02:34.934 INFO cppServer/sqs_nqs_vmi_cam : Starting Karabo DeviceServer (pid: 235604) on host: sqs-rr-sys-con-cams-1, serverId: cppServer/sqs_nqs_vmi_cam, Broker: tcp://sa3-br-sys-broker-2:7777
2023-11-23T23:02:35.073 INFO karabo.core.DeviceServer : Successfully connected to time server 'SQS_RR_UTC/TSYS/TIMESERVER'
==> Status of Taylor Cone unknown for runs 334 - 401
We had to physically unplug and replug the ethernet cable to the camera to get it to work again. |
23 Nov 2023, 23:12 |
Adam Round | SPB | Shift end | Staff: AR, MS, DM, KK, RL, RdW
X-ray delivery
- 16.9 keV, up to 30 pulses and 1.1 MHz for alignment, 1 pulse for data collection
- 900 uJ
- Beam down around 1h
Optical laser delivery
- XTD2 lenses were realigned
- Crystal diffraction data from lysozyme and MOF collected with detector close up
- Beam down around 1h
- Once again we lost connection to JF4M module 01 requiering reset of receivers.
23 Nov 2023, 22:15 |
Jörg Hallmann | MID | Shift summary |
progress with the Damnit - XPCS analysis test with various samples (SiO2, Ludox etc.)
tested some external samples P3HT, SOD1 but it looks like conventional XPCS is not working (signal too low - increasing transmission leads to radiation damage in both cases)
checked the diamond attenuators in the tunnel & optics hutch - all thicknesses indicated in the scenes seem to be correct
issue: AGIPD HV switched off by itself - ramping up again was possible
22 Nov 2023, 23:18 |
Raphael de Wijn | SPB | Shift summary | X-ray delivery
- 16.9 keV, up to 30 pulses and 1.1 MHz for alignment, 1 pulse for data collection
- 700-800 uJ
- stable delivery
Optical laser delivery
- More data collection with Jungfrau at the back of the CSS
- Crystal diffraction data from salicylic acid, ibuprofen and MOF collected with detector close up
- Clear aberations from our CRLs, so we operate with as few as possible
- Twice during data collection we lost connection to JF4M module 01 requiering reset of receivers.
22 Nov 2023, 22:48 |
Johannes Moeller | MID | Shift summary |
*Tests for online XPCS pipeline ongoing
*beam optimization with power slits, current beam size 8x13um (v x h), we assign the larger value in the horizontal direction to jitter
*Movement of the AGIPD quadrants to increase q range to lower values
*analysis and update of Sample to detector distance and geometry
*ScannerX of the FSSS is crashing very! frequently.
22 Nov 2023, 10:19 |
Johannes Moeller | MID | Issue | The Si 0.5mm absorber of XTD1 attenuator seems to be damaged. First screenshot is with that one inserted. In the second screenshot, it is replaced with a Si 0.5mm from MID_XTD6_ATT.
21 Nov 2023, 23:29 |
Adam Round | SPB | Shift end | Staff: AR, MS, DM, RL, RdW
X-ray delivery
- 16.9 keV, up to 30 pulses and 1.1 MHz for alignment, 1 pulse for data collection
- stable delivery
Optical laser delivery
- Beam aligned down to zyla cam 3
- CRLs were inserted but created too much speckles on Jungfrau and we couldn't reach the expected 80 um beam size for the users lenses (arms 6 and 7 unusable, arm 4 hole feature in beam)
- user lenses aligned
- User beamstop installed to block 1st order line in horizontal direction
- Collected several speckle tracking data scans without our CRLs - to give initial estimates for focus
- Jungfrau timing confirmed - signal observed
- Could not see signal with the thin sample and the CRLs inserted
- clear aberations from our CRLs
- CRL arm 4 motors were not moving. To recover it, we connected the motor and encoder cables from the pinhole arm.
20 Nov 2023, 07:12 |
Jayanath Koliyadu | SPB | Shift end | X-ray delivery
- 1.3-1.7 mJ, 10.7 keV, 1-100 pulses, stable delivery
Optical laser delivery
- Installation of imaging optics and alignment