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12 Aug 2024, 02:07 |
Wonhyuk Jo | MID | Shift summary |
Found spatial overlap at Suna microscope with Zyla cam.
The splitting ratio was obtained about 1:1.
The spatial jittering from upper and lower branch were investigated.
The temporal overlap and fringe will be investigated further.
13 Aug 2024, 02:04 |
Wonhyuk Jo | MID | Shift summary |
Found the interference fringe at Suna microscope with Zyla cam from MID split-and-delay line.
The fringe patterns were recorded as a function of delay controlled by the upper branch motor position.
Obtained the interference fringe patterns with two pulses with different repetition rate of machine.
BKR provided the two color HXRSS seperated by a few eV, and SDL was aligned accordingly.
The fringe patterns were recorded as a function of delay with two X-ray photon energies. |
13 Sep 2024, 02:16 |
Wonhyuk Jo | MID | Shift summary |
- DAQ was crashed after taking darks of AGIPD. It was solved by DOC and OCD.
- Laser could not switched from optical to RF lock. Solved by OCD (using doocs).
- Energy scan was attempted, which was not successful.
- Seeding optimization was ongoing. It will continue tomorrow morning. Still there is intensity loss during the energy scan.
- We might see second (maybe higher) photon energy component on the beam. (
- The beam was focused with CRL 2 arm 4 and 5. A precise beam size measurement would be useful.
- The timing of XFEL and PP laser has been found from a frosted-YAG on the X-ray eye. T0 = 1374.94.
- The air gap between the MPC and DES are closed.
- The first user sample is mounted and delivered in the PUMA setup.
- The spatial overlap of XFEL and PP laser has been found at the sample position with YAG crystal.
- The substrate peak (th = 20.7, tth = 41.4) was found on the fluorescent screen.
- The SDL diamond detector was aligned on the beam, and now move it out.
- Continuing of optimization of seeding and improving the energy scan.
- Cool down the sample and search the film peak on AGIPD.
14 Sep 2024, 02:23 |
Wonhyuk Jo | MID | Shift summary |
- The seeding optimization result: Total 450 uJ (Seeding of 150 uJ + SASE of 300 uJ). BKR will be able to start optimization on Saturday around noon if necessary.
- The pump-probe (PP laser and PuMa pulse) experiment data on the substrate peak was collected.
- Found the film peak on the AGIPD. Intensity optimization was not successful. We keep losing diffraction peak intensity over the measurement time and number of pulses. We assume the X-ray-induced heating can affect the diffraction intensity.
- Rotating Phi angle by moving the manipulator Z direction helped to bring the peak out of the detector gap.
15 Sep 2024, 02:16 |
Wonhyuk Jo | MID | Shift summary |
- The seeding optimization is ongoing, which was not successful. Now we have a total of 170 uJ including SASE and seeding.
- The option to switch to SASE is relatively not complex and can be done with the support of BKR without a seeding expert. BKR expects to provide about (more than) 1 mJ. To be discussed with user later.
- An investigation of the asymmetric film peak is ongoing to optimize the measurement conditions, such as diffraction angle, sample temperature dependence, and pump laser effect. Still, the PP laser effect on the diffraction peak on the asymmetric peak is unclear. The higher sample temperature suppresses the diffraction intensity. Unclear intensity changes over time have been observed.
- The AGIPD moved closer to the sample to cover the more solid angle.
- The MDL of the coupled motion of the hexapod and puma manipulator is not working reliably.
- The delay time between the X-ray and the PP laser was cross-checked to ensure its correctness. No timing drift was confirmed.
- Laser pump and X-ray probe experiment is being conducted at the vicinity of subtract peak. After optimizing the spatial overlap by scanning, the pump laser effect was clearly achieved.
- The user program will be ongoing over the night.
16 Sep 2024, 02:21 |
Wonhyuk Jo | MID | Shift summary |
- Pump-probe experiments are being conducted using PuMa and PP laser.
- The user program is ongoing over the night.
- Rotating the sample phi angle. The sample holder will be retracted from the MPC.
- Search the asymmetric film peak and conduct the PuMa and PP laser experiment. |
26 Sep 2024, 01:46 |
Jörg Hallmann | MID | Shift summary |
Started the day with vacuum & detector issues
real start of the experiments only at about 6 p.m.
measurement of a selection of samples (urea, ludox) using the levitation device
issues: vacuum (behind AGIPD), motor (bend2 of the DES was in error - used for the beamstop) |
27 Sep 2024, 01:51 |
Jörg Hallmann | MID | Shift summary |
started initial alignment for the ptycho experiment
Continued with XPCS measurement using the levitation device
issues: contribution of the 2nd harmonic of 8 keV at 16 keV visible on the Jungfrau detector - surpressing via mirror alignment not successful |
28 Sep 2024, 01:31 |
Jörg Hallmann | MID | Shift summary |
started with data acquisition for the ptycho experiment with different geometries
started with XPCS measurements of capillaries using the FSSS
issues: beam size changed a bit compared to yesterday (a bit bigger now - most proberly due to the realignment of the mirror suppressing the higher harmonics in the beam)
28 Sep 2024, 23:42 |
Jörg Hallmann | MID | Shift summary |
continued with the evaluation of the XPCS analysis packages
investigated the effect of alignment optimizations and forced misalignments on the contrast directly with the online XPCS tool
checked additional standard samples
30 Sep 2024, 01:50 |
Jörg Hallmann | MID | Shift summary |
Worked on the XPCS analysis packages
measured the TetraPack samples
continued with the levitation device
- Jungfrau detector had an error - R. Shayduk restarted the device - it should be power cycled as described in the manual
- The bunch number selctor does not work - the system didn't accepted 150 pulse but moved it back to 30 pulses - the machine switched off the user selection - should be followed up tomorrow
31 Oct 2024, 02:43 |
Ulrike Boesenberg | MID | Shift summary |
12.389keV, HXRSS, 1-400+ bunches, 450uJ
- Seeding alignment
- Beamline alignment (Mirror + foccussing)
- Measured energy and moved it the requested value
- Cryos for sample and monochromator are prepared
- Aligned DES spectrometer
- Started with DCCM characterization (440)
05 Dec 2024, 00:06 |
Jörg Hallmann | MID | Shift summary |
machine runs at 17 keV with about 1.2 mJ
check of the Zyla & Shimadzu and trigger optimization or 1.1 MHz
installation of FEL shutter and optimization of position and opening time
optimization of instrument macros
DAQ crashed when shimadzu is running with 2.2 MHz and 256 images - DOC worked on the problem in collaboration with DA as well as ITDM OCD. They will follow up on the problem when ITDM checked the issue (redmine ticket #214244)
02 Feb 2024, 12:40 |
Konopkova Zuzana | HED | Shift summary |
beam parametes: 8.5-9 kev, 1.2 mJ, 1-2 pulses
- HED trajectory established from XRO setpoint, shape and transmission optimized
- monochromator aligned
- 5 sets of CRLs including nano-focus aligned
- ZZ yesterday morning to fix cameras, connect motors..
- DAQ rolled back to legacy version, works fine
- instrument spectrometers aligned and calibrated
- We perform some longer scans with monochromated beam imaging on wires / Siemens star
- Work on shimadzu timing
- Debugging new JNGFR_DARK_CHAR middle layer with controls - done
13 Feb 2024, 08:55 |
Konopkova Zuzana | HED | Experiment summary |
*Achievements :
- Generally rather successful with very high quality beam parameters
- We had a nearly steady 800 uJ+ HXRSS flux during the user run and ~ 4mJ SASE during the setup at HED.
- Beampointing was rather stable throughout the HXRSS operation.
- Users took several shots (>2600 FEL and FEL+ReLAX shots) on target. The beamline setup was very quick prior to that and users were able to get preliminary data to prototype parameters already a day before formal handover to them and could straight go to harvest mode on Saturday morning.
* Issues :
- Users still found large Bremsstrahlung fluxes on their background, but this is rather on our side, in conjunction with the users.
- On the last day, we had issues with JF calibrations due to the high run numbers in the proposal. DOC promptly helped out.
- Initially, we observed fluctuations in the FEL flux. BKR was very prompt to correct for this and user operation was not impacted seriously. Slow drifts in pulse energy were also observed, but again, could be compensated from time to time by them.
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24 Feb 2024, 11:58 |
Motoaki Nakatsutsumi | HED | Shift summary |
Shift summary 2024-02-23 07:00 - 2024-02-24 10:00
We got self-seeding at 8.5 keV very quickly after changeover from 10.5 keV operation finished at 2024-02-23 07:00.
Pulse energy ~ 600 uJ.
Progress is in general good. Most of planned tasks for the day are done.
We called BKR whether we can get a bit more energy/pulse this morning, but it appears difficult. Otherwise, having a bit more energy would be helpful to have enough signal-to-noise ratio for X-ray imaging.
- Insert nanofocus lens, pump IC1 sample chamber into vacuum
- Establish X-ray axis, measure source point and divergence
- Set up the CRL scheme overfilling CRL4b nanofocus (the settings used in Feb at 8.2 keV were CRL1 arm 3,5 and CRL2 arm 1)
- Bring the imaging systems to the X-ray axis
- Focus and calibrate the x-ray spectrometers
- Laser-xray timing verified on YAG
- DAMNIT setup
- Nanofocus imaging optimization (Z-scans) with Cu 25um wire and Siemens star
- Best focus was identified
- Sample alignment
25 Feb 2024, 14:47 |
Motoaki Nakatsutsumi | HED | Shift summary |
Shift summary for 2024-02-24 from 07:00 to 2024-02-25 at 14:00:
Self-seeding at 8.5 keV, with approximately 500 μJ per pulse. Following re-tuning around 10 am on the 25th, the energy per pulse increased to around 600 μJ.
The x-ray intensity and pointing stability have been excellent, resulting in a substantial amount of data being acquired by users just two days into the beamtime. Users have expressed satisfaction with the performance thus far.
There were a couple of brief beam downtimes, but they had minimal impact on beamline operations.
- Successful laser delay scan (0 - 1000 ps) of wire compression dynamics under ultra-intense laser interaction (>10^21
- Nanofocus Z scan imaging completed.
- Online analysis tools (DAMNIT) are functioning properly.
- Some minor issues with the automatic shot procedure using MDL were encountered but mostly resolved.
- Ongoing issues persist with the off-axis-parabola mirror X axis (motor movement not stopping), which will require follow-up after the beamtime.
- A minor issue was identified with laser timing jumps, possibly stemming from a trainID distribution issue with the ToD system. Increasing the sequence delay of the master timer from 10 to 30 appears to have mitigated this problem.
26 Feb 2024, 14:32 |
Motoaki Nakatsutsumi | HED | Shift summary |
Shift summary for 2024-02-25 from 11:00 to 2024-02-25 at 14:00:
Self-seeding at 8.5 keV, with approximately 500 μJ per pulse.
Overall, the performance of x-ray self-seeding remains good, and users are happy. Pointing stability is also exceptional. However, enhancing photon energy slightly (600 uJ as we had yesterday) would further improve the signal-to-noise ratio.
Key Achievements and Current Challenges:
- Ongoing data accumulation.
- Issue with the sample motor (stepper motor). The encoder ceases to update values although the motor is actually moving. While a temporary workaround has been implemented, a thorough investigation is needed post-beamtime. More details: [Link]
05 May 2024, 00:25 |
Konopkova Zuzana | HED | Experiment summary |
- proposal 5700 finished on 04.05. The experiment used 352 pulses at 4.5 MHz and 18 keV to X-ray heat pressurized samples in diamond anvil cells. Overall succesful on several samples.
- Issues:
- the requested 20.5 keV photon energy had too low pulse intensities so we had to go down to 18 keV
- pulse energies at 18 keV (300-400 uJ) were insufficient for some samples
- the ramp in pulse envelope has not been delivered consistently throughtout the experiment (eventually we gave up due to the average low pulse energies)
27 May 2024, 06:41 |
Konopkova Zuzana | HED | Shift summary |
beam parameters: 2 colors at around 6.5 keV, 1 pulse
user program continues with data acquisition at slightly varying photon energies (tens of eV both colors simultaneously) and at different delays between the colors
- users have scheduled datasets to be measured overnight with larger delays up to 350 fs, however, the BKR was able to go only up to 100 fs delay despite having larger delays earlier in the experiment (even during nights)