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  OPERATION-2024 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 169     Entry time: 15 Sep 2024, 02:16
Author: Wonhyuk Jo 
Group: MID 
Subject: Shift summary 

- The seeding optimization is ongoing, which was not successful. Now we have a total of 170 uJ including SASE and seeding. 
- The option to switch to SASE is relatively not complex and can be done with the support of BKR without a seeding expert.  BKR expects to provide about (more than) 1 mJ. To be discussed with user later. 
- An investigation of the asymmetric film peak is ongoing to optimize the measurement conditions, such as diffraction angle, sample temperature dependence, and pump laser effect. Still, the PP laser effect on the diffraction peak on the asymmetric peak is unclear.  The higher sample temperature suppresses the diffraction intensity.  Unclear intensity changes over time have been observed. 
- The AGIPD moved closer to the sample to cover the more solid angle. 
- The MDL of the coupled motion of the hexapod and puma manipulator is not working reliably. 
- The delay time between the X-ray and the PP laser was cross-checked to ensure its correctness. No timing drift was confirmed. 
- Laser pump and X-ray probe experiment is being conducted at the vicinity of subtract peak. After optimizing the spatial overlap by scanning, the pump laser effect was clearly achieved. 
- The user program will be ongoing over the night. 






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