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  OPERATION-2023 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, L.Samoylova, H.Sinn, Page 4 of 24  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Groupdown Subject
  69   03 Mar 2023, 23:27 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 202 pulses, 564 kHz, intensity slope was flat

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 68 pulses, 188 kHz. stable delivery
  • ns laser for illumination


  • Continue nanofocusing setup with pump-probe experiment
  • Continue Collecting TR-SFX data


  • Run_Controller problem still persists, it stopped without any action from us
  71   04 Mar 2023, 22:55 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 202 pulses, 564 kHz, intensity slope was fine

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 68 pulses, 188 kHz. stable delivery
  • ns laser for illumination


  • Continue nanofocusing setup with pump-probe experiment
  • Continue Collecting TR-SFX data


  • uTCA timing was shifted about 3 ns against X-ray and PP-laser
  74   05 Mar 2023, 23:13 Juncheng ESPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 202 pulses, 564 kHz, intensity slope was fine

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 68 pulses, 188 kHz. stable delivery
  • ns laser for illumination


  • Continue nanofocusing setup with pump-probe experiment
  • Continue Collecting TR-SFX data
  91   21 Mar 2023, 23:36 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

Staff: JB, PV, TS, RL, RdW, JK, AR

X-ray delivery

  • 1-165 pulses, 1.1 MHz, upto 400  uJ @ 50 pC

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for imaging


  • NKB focus optimization
  • Beam alignment until IBS
  • Photodiode alignment
  • Alignment of fixed target in the beam
  • Tests with fixed target motion in vacuum
  • Collected few runs with low transmission at 8 keV and 9 keV
  94   22 Mar 2023, 21:49 Adam RoundSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 9 keV 1 to 165 pulses ~ 300 mj per pulse - stable delivery during the day

Optical laser delivery

  • ns lasers for illumination only


  • Focus alignment
  • found illumination / shield (100 micron) conditions to optimise background on detector
  • observed that the flourecence signal on the diode was very low and this appears corelated with drift in the focus - after focus optimisation signal was again visible
  • several runs collected with varying attenuation with the aim to try to corelate flourecence signal on diode with beam intensity


  • Too high background from sample at full transmission required exchange of copper shield form 50 to 100 microns
  • disc detaching from motor spindle (twice) - first time disc blocked gate valve, second bolt and washer are in the gate valve mechanisme space
  • in both cases detector had to be warmed to allow venting.
  99   23 Mar 2023, 11:38 Romain LetrunSPBIssue

When using 1.13 MHz X-ray repetition rate, SASE1 HIREX is capturing two pulses in a single frame giving the impression that there are more peaks within the spectrum than there are in reality.

This was verified by recording data with one and  two pulses per train, which are shown in attachment.

The spectral integral/intensity in GOTTHARD frame 6, the first with data, is twice larger with two pulses compared to one pulse per train (attachments 1 and 2).

The number of peaks is consistently higher with two pulses compared to one pulse (attachment 3).

Attachment 1: 20230323_HIREX_integral.png
Attachment 2: 20230323_HIREX_mean_spectrum.png
Attachment 3: 20230323_HIREX_peaks.png
  101   23 Mar 2023, 14:31 Romain LetrunSPBStatus

After SASE1 HIREX GOTTHARD reconfiguration, we now get a single pulse per frame. This was verified by comparing data from HIREX recorded with 564 kHz and 1.13 MHz X-ray repetition rates. Both intensity and number of peaks is comparable for the two repetition rates.

Attachment 1: 20230323_HIREX_integral2.png
Attachment 2: 20230323_HIREX_mean_spectrum2.png
Attachment 3: 20230323_HIREX_peaks2.png
  102   23 Mar 2023, 23:24 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 1-165 pulses, 1.1 MHz - 28.2 kHz, upto 400  uJ @ 50 pC

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for imaging


  • Optimized sample setup for data collection
  • Calibrated photodiode @ 8keV.
    • ADC signal was saturated with amplified photodiode signal.
    • Removed the amplifier and calibrated photodiode again.
    • ASE signal is visible without the amplifier
  • Optimized ASE signal by optimizing the focus and target position in focus
  • Checking and optiming the focus everytime chaning the sample disk seems to improve the signal
  • Collected data at 8 keV and 9 keV for about 1-2 hours
  105   24 Mar 2023, 23:14 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 1-165 pulses, 1.1 MHz - 28.2 kHz, upto 350  uJ @ 50 pC

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for imaging


  • Collected data for 3 to 4 hours with different samples
  • Data collection at lower repetiton rate (113 kHz) with less number of pulses
  107   25 Mar 2023, 23:18 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 1-165 pulses, 1.1 MHz - 56.4 kHz, upto 350  uJ @ 50 pC

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for imaging


  • Collected data for 3 to 4 hours with different samples
  • Data collection at lower repetiton rate (113 kHz) with less number of pulses
  • Data to characterize the divergence of ASE collected
  110   26 Mar 2023, 23:27 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 1-165 pulses, 1.1 MHz - 56.4 kHz, upto 350  uJ @ 50 pC

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for imaging


  • Collected data for about 6 hours with different samples
  • Data collection at lower repetiton rates with less number of pulses
  • Data to characterize the divergence of ASE collected
  • Photodiode calibrated at 8 keV again
  115   30 Mar 2023, 06:53 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1-202 pulses, 564, 282, 141 kHz, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • 800nm, 50 fs, 282 kHz, stable delivery


  • Alignment for Pump-probe experiment was finished
  • Sample was tested


  • No major issue today
  118   31 Mar 2023, 06:59 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1-202 pulses, 564, 282, 141 , 70.5 kHz, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • 800nm, 50 fs, 282 kHz, stable delivery 


  • Resasnable amout of data was collected
  • Sample was tested


  • No major issue today
  119   01 Apr 2023, 06:51 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1-202 pulses, 564 kHz, stable delivery
  • Beam was down from 06:08

Optical laser delivery

  • 800nm, 50 fs, 282 kHz, stable delivery 


  • Resasnable amout of data was collected


  • No major issue today
  126   07 Apr 2023, 23:03 Johan BieleckiSPBShift summary

Beam delivery for proposal 3378


  • Collected data on liquid H20 and D20
  • Found conditions where only ice were seen. approx. 4h of ice data taken. Starting to look at correlation maps
  • Background at 0.88mm nozzle distance measured

To do for next shift:

Continue taking data



  129   08 Apr 2023, 22:52 Johan BieleckiSPBShift summary

Beam delivery for proposal 3378


  • Collected large amounts of data for the user program on water crystallisation and angular correlations

To do for next shift:

Continue taking data

  142   19 Apr 2023, 07:04 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 12.0 keV, 1.3 mJ, 1-168 pulses @ 564 kHz
  • Decaying intensity between 1:20 and 2:40, otherwise stable delivery.

Optical laser delivery

  • 1030 nm compressed, THG
  • Stable delivery


  • Optimised PP laser THG conversion efficiency.
  • PP laser spatial and temporal overlap with water jet.
  • Collected lysozyme diffraction for detector geometry.
  146   20 Apr 2023, 06:58 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 12.0 keV, 1.3 mJ, 1-168 pulses @ 564 kHz.
  • Stable delivery.

Optical laser delivery

  • 1030 nm compressed, THG.
  • Stable delivery.


  • Collected static and TR-SFX data.
  150   21 Apr 2023, 04:33 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 12.0 keV, 1.3 mJ, 1-168 pulses @ 564 kHz
  • Cryo issue at 3:33

Optical laser delivery

  • 1030 nm compressed, THG.
  • Stable delivery.


  • Collected TR-SFX data. Smooth sample jetting.


  • Beam down, shift ended earlier.
  157   26 Apr 2023, 01:03 Richard BeanSPBShift summary

SPB/SFX User shift 1 3333

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1.7 mJ, 202 pulses @ 564 kHz


  • Silicon wafer post sample attenuator (240um, ~10% transmssion @ 9.3 keV) was mounted in-front of the AGIPD detector. elog: 3

  • Beamline is aligned for the NKB trajectory and the x-ray focus size of 300 nm being achieved. elog: 4

  • Copper flat field including 240 um silicon wafer attenuator. elog : 7

  • Lysozyme and Photosystem-II data (@ 41 mm AGIPD Z motor value) elog: 5

  • Fixed medium gain used initially, later switched to adaptive gain to allow high gain for peaks behind Si attenuator mask. Switch of both calibration pipelines..

  • data at full transmission. Move to medium gain for water ring outside Si attenuator

  • Several blocked nozzles, at least potentially caused by never filtered sample.


  • Problems with post calibration analysis, observing 'disk quota error' - SPB/SFX RC to investigate with instrument data team and DRC

  • problems with data calibration - SPB/SFX RC to investigate with instrument data team and DRC

Instrument status

  • AGIPD off and warm

  • AGIPD gate valve OPEN and pinned.

  • Attenuators set to thickest diamond.

  • Vacuum valves closed.

  • He valve closed.

  • Sample valves cleaned.

  • ns laser off.

  • Sample chamber and AGIPD turbos OFF, rough pumping ON

To do for next shift

  • remove Si post-sample attenuator

  • continue with user program (small crystals DFFN etc. see elog)

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00