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24 Sep 2023, 07:49 |
Natalia, Justina, Giacomo, Sergey, Ben, Eugenio, Teguh | SCS | summary of 23.09 |
Around 6:55 there was a power glitch. Power in the experimental hutch and rack room went down in SASE3, error message in Xray interlock system and no power for PP laser.
During morning TS turned the power on and interlock issues were solved by DESY. SCS could restart large part of SCS systems, however got help of DOC only after 2:30p.m. Similarily, PP laser was needed help of DOC and got this help only around 2p.m. The afternoon shift was mainly bringing the instrument in operation with helps of DOC. Around 9p.m. we realized that PP laser is not in operational state because of large fluctuations, this was not communicated to SCS at all. After calling the Laser group, SCS was told that the laser group will work on recover of the laser on Sunday morning. Without laser we could not continue user program, therefore at least 24h of user operation were lost.
18 Apr 2023, 23:01 |
Laurent Mercadier, Martin Teichmann | SCS | summary late shift day 1 |
- knife edge scans of FEL beam, 30 um x 30 um beam size
- aligned beam stop in front of camera
- triggering pattern tested and works, still need to test with laser and XGM
- Y motor of beam stop doesn't reach the desired up position
- had to move the entire camera instead
- Once or twice scanner Y got into error during knife edge scan, resetting the target position to the actual position and pressing move helps.
19 Apr 2023, 23:20 |
Laurent Mercadier, Martin Teichmann | SCS | shift summary day 2 UP3463 |
- found larger beamstop
- found center of pinhole and bender settings for beam size
- checked jitter of beam on grating, looks like jittering is large, to be further investigated offline
- checked that patterns are working for the night, to be continued by night crew
- Major problems with scanner Y, as during the previous runs. Reset axis, Reset and adjust the target position to actual position + move to get out of error.
- Problem with bunch pattern (see separate entry in Operations elog)
31 Mar 2023, 01:51 |
Jörg Hallmann | MID | shift summary March 30th |
- seeding at ~800 uJ
- repaired the laser interlock of A.08
- EPIX back in operation
- timing difference of both branches of the SDL measured with the optical laser (~4ps)
- measurement of samples with single & both branches (damage threshold, crystallization studies & studies on reversible changes)
30 Mar 2023, 02:37 |
Jörg Hallmann | MID | shift summary March 29th |
achievments: alignment of the SDL (both branches)
measuring of samples & calibrants
- broken laser interlock - cannot be set - PRC is informed and contacted SRP - repair expected in the morning
- ScannerX broken - morning shift might contact DOC or expert
- EPIXs do not send data after rearrangement of the modules - expert consulation might be necessary |
16 Apr 2023, 23:06 |
Antje Trapp | MID | shift summary EulerMDL calibration |
First four pictures: beam line status at beginning of shift - Beam aligned to MID
Idea is to check M2 parasitic motions again on M3 popin. therefore bringing M2 close to 0 with all vertical motors and Tx as much as possible without using beam on the popin.
Adjusting M1 pitch with it
Approch - drive roll and correct rz offest to stay in at the same horizontal position - adjust also ROLL Offset to show 0 in middle position
When ROLL IS DONE continuE with rx and then ty
offset calibration needs iteration. We started the second iteration but could not finish.
Other pictures: documentation of calibration process |
21 Feb 2023, 23:07 |
Jan-Etienne Pudell | | shift summary |
- Tunnel + experimental hutch alignment (Mirrors, CRL1 and CRL2)
- Aligned main devices: Optics Peter, x-ray eye, EPIX and Zyla and pin holes.
- Tried some alignment of the NFL (1D) lenses with pin hole and not pre focussed beam. We found a lot of scattering from pinholes which dominates the signal on our x-ray eye. This task has to be redone with CRL2.
- We aligned magnetic beamstop
- We moved sample stage inside the beam (do not move optics peter!)
- We insert CRL 2 and took some data with EPIX and Vycor. We checked the beamprofile with x-ray eye it looks elongated.
- Timescan is not working
- lot of scattering from pinholes when using large beam on NFL
23 Feb 2023, 01:51 |
Jan-Etienne Pudell | | shift summary |
After realignement of M1 and M2 we could solve the problem of the elogated beamprofile. Different lens setting were prealignd for the use in combination with the NFL.
We took data for several 1D diamond lenses together with a Vycor sample to extract the beamsize from the specles.
24 Feb 2023, 00:55 |
Jan-Etienne Pudell | | shift summary |
We tested pulse on demand scans with scantool and confirmed that there is only one shot per scan point. This was used to print the footprint in a LIf crystal.
We took caustic scans for 1D diamond lenses using a wire and using specles to extract the beamsize. |
15 Mar 2023, 01:50 |
Johannes Moeller | | shift summary |
- HXRSS delivery, 600 - 700 uJ, 1 bunch, 8.991 keV. Pedestal visibly in HIREX, not checked with MID spectrometer yet.
- beamline aligned and beam brought to popin imager
- struggle with jet pumping, to be continued
- beam brought into experimental hutch, first rough alignment of reference samples and cameras
- Epix flight path leaked and window re-glued
18 Mar 2023, 01:45 |
Johannes Moeller | | shift summary |
- stable HXRSS delivery at 8.99 keV, 1 bunch. XGM intensity during the day decreased from 750 uJ to 600 uJ.
- Vacuum in sample chamber stabilized with cold trap and full beam path opened to AGIPD and endstation
- Again problems with smaract stages in DES, but imager in a good position to continue.
- First scattering data recored from water jet. Unknown, bimodal intensity distribution
- Focus characterization of SDL lower branch with knife edge, X-ray eye and SAXS speckle data. Larger (>10 um) as compared to direct beam with same focussing setup.
- Clear influence of splitter insertion on beamsize observed. Beam is smaller without splitter crystal.
- Current status: Alignment of upper branch unfinished, X-ray eye inserted, sample chamber vented
For the next shift:
- Finsish alignment of upper branch
- Characterize both beams in size with Xray eye. Try if slightly different lense combinations or M2 bender settings improve the situation.
- Overlap both beam on the sample
- Possibly insert upstream pinhole just in front of jet to clean up and ensure overlap
- Take data, enjoy
19 Mar 2023, 02:01 |
Johannes Moeller | | shift summary |
- upper and lower branch of SDL aligned
- beamsizes and angular mismatch characterized
- vacuum leak of flight path fixed
- side view microscope re-aligned
- problems with replaced MPC diamond detector. issue with in-vacuum cabeling suspected
- misconfigured timing of AGIPD fixed
- splitting ratio of SDL detuned while HXRSS intensity decreased significantly. Possibly correlated.
With the current HXRSS intensity and focussing, we have insufficient conditions to take data for the experiment. We decide to vent the sample chamber and try to fix the malfunctioning diamond detector instead of taking data over night. HXRSS should be improved tomorrow morning and the SDL possibly realigned afterwards. |
24 Apr 2023, 02:45 |
Ulrike Boesenberg | | shift summary |
- Beam came back quickly after cryo-incident with ok seeding performance (not very stable).
- Finish 3381-Pudell beamtime with SRO/STO samples at time delays and laser fluences.
- Decided not to scan the HXRSS energy but stay at current position
- Mount samples for 3331-Robinson experiment and search for Bragg reflections, we could find the specular reflection for the two largest samples but not the magnetostrictive one.
- The specular reflection for the 8x8um sample is currently aligned.
- AGIPD darks could not be pushed into the calibration pipeline, the problem was fixed quickly by DOC and OCD
07 May 2023, 06:52 |
Giuseppe Mercurio | SCS | shift summary |
- measured delay scans on 16 nm samples at different magnetic fields (4 runs) before the problem below appeared
- scroll pump of the FFT degraded, rough vacuum got worse, this led to pump in error state and interlock valves. The scroll pump was replaced, vacuum re-established, but we could not see any signal from the samples, only diffuse scattering. We thought this was due to ice frozen on the samples when the pressure increased. We warmed up the cryostat, verified that the conditions of the samples are fine again, and finally started cooling down again.
02 Aug 2023, 06:44 |
Giuseppe Mercurio, Teguh Asmara | SCS | shift summary |
- beam transport with the second half of undulators closed
- measured pulse energy in SCS hutch and verified that the transmission of the beamline with hr grating is as previously reported
- knife edge scans along vertical direction to find focus (<=11 um) and horizontal direction to have 175 um
- half clip scans to find center of rotation
- aligned Cu and Ni ML (theta offset) to find signal of Cu and Ni at hrixs
- delivered the beam at the hrixs ccd camera
- all the undulator cells were closed instead of only the second half of the undulators
- optimize energy resolution at hrixs at Ni L edge (priority)
13 Nov 2023, 07:16 |
Loic Le Guyader | SCS | shift summary |
# Shift Summary
- Measured elastic line with 3000 l/mm and 1000 l/mm grating on NiO sample
- only 50% of trains with jungfrau data in burst mode are saved in the DAQ. Likely an issue with DAQ configuration.
- we couldn't achieve a good focus on the sample and in the spectrometer. Reason unclear. |
24 Jan 2024, 14:00 |
Antje Trapp | XRO | scanning for HED beam |
We found reflection of M3 on M2 popin, but could not locate the beam on HED PBLM nor HED_XTD6_SDLBM-1
scanning both horizontally and vertically around previously saved positions on M3 popin.
managed to get beam through to sdlbm-1. No beam found downstream of that.
Saved motor positions in last picture
02 Jun 2023, 06:17 |
Tommaso Mazza | | pointing stability |
we lost spatial overlap on several instances.
It seems that this happens when SASE2 changes number of pulses.
when we have SASE2 changing number of pulses, spatial overlap is lost and this goes with a change in the position read by the xgm in the order of ~20um (e.g. attachment 1).
Yet, the XGM position reading is not really representative of the effective pointing changes: a drift of that order, occurring when there is no change in SASE2, does *NOT* correspond to a loss in the overlap (seen in the N2 signal in our experiment).
in summary: some evidence suggests that SASE2 number of pulses changing affects our FEL beam pointing. Yet, we don't have a diagnostics allowing us to quantify this.
25 Oct 2023, 06:02 |
Chan Kim | SPB | other |
Issue solved (elog:410) after changing NKB mirror coating to B4C.
24 Nov 2023, 20:48 |
Chan Kim | SPB | other |
Beam drift in the horizontal direction (XTD9_XGM x position) started at around 10am and continuously drifted until 16:00.
After then, beam has been drifted back to original position within 4 hours. |