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  OPERATION-2024 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, H.Sinn, Page 1 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Authordown Group Subject
  12   04 Feb 2024, 23:36 Wonhyuk JoMIDShift summary

Goal Achieved.
- Finished flat field measurement for AGIPD at different scenarios for upcoming user experiments. 
- Aligned the spectrometer at DES and obtained the energy spectrum of 9 keV SASE.
- In order to investigate the sample to detector distance of AGIPD, we collected SAXS patterns from three different type of SiO2 NPs at different sample positions.
- Finished preparations for tomorrow.

  144   11 Aug 2024, 02:15 Wonhyuk JoMIDShift summary

Found the spatial overlap on the Suna microscope with Zyla.
Found the SDL motor position giving 200 fs time difference between the upper and lower branches. 
The encoder and current values of DC2_CASZ and DC1_CASZ are not 100 % correlated. 
The SDL delay scan using ScanTool has an issue due to the incorrect motor movement. 
The manual delay scan has been attempted, which was not successful. 

  147   12 Aug 2024, 02:07 Wonhyuk JoMIDShift summary

Found spatial overlap at Suna microscope with Zyla cam.
The splitting ratio was obtained about 1:1. 
The spatial jittering from upper and lower branch were investigated.
The temporal overlap and fringe will be investigated further.

  149   13 Aug 2024, 02:04 Wonhyuk JoMIDShift summary

Found the interference fringe at Suna microscope with Zyla cam from MID split-and-delay line. 
The fringe patterns were recorded as a function of delay controlled by the upper branch motor position. 
Obtained the interference fringe patterns with two pulses with different repetition rate of machine. 
BKR provided the two color HXRSS seperated by a few eV, and SDL was aligned accordingly. 
The fringe patterns were recorded as a function of delay with two X-ray photon energies.

  164   13 Sep 2024, 02:16 Wonhyuk JoMIDShift summary

- DAQ was crashed after taking darks of AGIPD. It was solved by DOC and OCD.

- Laser could not switched from optical to RF lock. Solved by OCD (using doocs).
- Energy scan was attempted, which was not successful. 
- Seeding optimization was ongoing. It will continue tomorrow morning. Still there is intensity loss during the energy scan.
- We might see second (maybe higher) photon energy component on the beam. (
- The beam was focused with CRL 2 arm 4 and 5. A precise beam size measurement would be useful. 
- The timing of XFEL and PP laser has been found from a frosted-YAG on the X-ray eye. T0 = 1374.94.
- The air gap between the MPC and DES are closed. 
- The first user sample is mounted and delivered in the PUMA setup.
- The spatial overlap of XFEL and PP laser has been found at the sample position with YAG crystal.
- The substrate peak (th = 20.7, tth = 41.4) was found on the fluorescent screen. 
- The SDL diamond detector was aligned on the beam, and now move it out.

- Continuing of optimization of seeding and improving the energy scan.
- Cool down the sample and search the film peak on AGIPD.

  167   14 Sep 2024, 02:23 Wonhyuk JoMIDShift summary

- The seeding optimization result: Total 450 uJ (Seeding of 150 uJ  + SASE of 300 uJ).  BKR will be able to start optimization on Saturday around noon if necessary. 
- The pump-probe (PP laser and PuMa pulse) experiment data on the substrate peak was collected. 
- Found the film peak on the AGIPD. Intensity optimization was not successful. We keep losing diffraction peak intensity over the measurement time and number of pulses. We assume the X-ray-induced heating can affect the diffraction intensity.
- Rotating Phi angle by moving the manipulator Z direction helped to bring the peak out of the detector gap. 


  169   15 Sep 2024, 02:16 Wonhyuk JoMIDShift summary

- The seeding optimization is ongoing, which was not successful. Now we have a total of 170 uJ including SASE and seeding. 
- The option to switch to SASE is relatively not complex and can be done with the support of BKR without a seeding expert.  BKR expects to provide about (more than) 1 mJ. To be discussed with user later. 
- An investigation of the asymmetric film peak is ongoing to optimize the measurement conditions, such as diffraction angle, sample temperature dependence, and pump laser effect. Still, the PP laser effect on the diffraction peak on the asymmetric peak is unclear.  The higher sample temperature suppresses the diffraction intensity.  Unclear intensity changes over time have been observed. 
- The AGIPD moved closer to the sample to cover the more solid angle. 
- The MDL of the coupled motion of the hexapod and puma manipulator is not working reliably. 
- The delay time between the X-ray and the PP laser was cross-checked to ensure its correctness. No timing drift was confirmed. 
- Laser pump and X-ray probe experiment is being conducted at the vicinity of subtract peak. After optimizing the spatial overlap by scanning, the pump laser effect was clearly achieved. 
- The user program will be ongoing over the night. 






  171   16 Sep 2024, 02:21 Wonhyuk JoMIDShift summary

- Pump-probe experiments are being conducted using PuMa and PP laser. 
- The user program is ongoing over the night.

- Rotating the sample phi angle. The sample holder will be retracted from the MPC.
- Search the asymmetric film peak and conduct the PuMa and PP laser experiment.

  103   13 May 2024, 08:48 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

Weekend summary:

Overall stable beam delivery with 300bunches @18keV and 750uJ

-issue with XGM on Saturday night/morning

-The intensity in SA2 over the train is dropping of when SA3 is changing some parameters. BKR can fix it within a couple of minutes

-The users found suitable working conditions to overcome the limitations from the 10bar He supply line.

  196   31 Oct 2024, 02:43 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

12.389keV, HXRSS, 1-400+ bunches, 450uJ

  • Seeding alignment
  • Beamline alignment (Mirror + foccussing)
  • Measured energy and moved it the requested value
  • Cryos for sample and monochromator are prepared
  • Aligned DES spectrometer
  • Started with DCCM characterization (440)
  27   17 Feb 2024, 08:15 Tommaso MazzaSQSIssue

The cross on the FEL imager, which we use as a reference for BKR crew, is not centred on the GATT aperture. when was this changed, and why?

att. 1 and 2 show the current position (the saturated image aids the positioning of the GATT aperture).

att. 3 is from two weeks ago. then, the cross was centred on the GATT aperture.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-02-17_08-12-43.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2024-02-17_08-17-03.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2024-02-03_16-06-39.png
  53   15 Mar 2024, 18:02 Tommaso MazzaSQSStability Issue

it is not clear why, but the beam position on BIU2 has changed over time, even more since we checked last. it is off in both directions

we see the GATT aperture projection drifting, so it is a change in the beam transport, not in the source.

see the beam, cut by the DIAG1 slit, compared to the cross it should be centred to.

the motor encoders in the beamline have not changed since the beginning, when the beam was pointing correctly.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-03-15_18-04-59.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2024-03-15_18-04-39.png
  98   09 May 2024, 10:45 Tommaso MazzaSQSother

we needed SASE1 to be set to 0 pulses briefly to check alignment in our experiment.

The FXE control hutch was empty. we could not reach either Chris nor Mykola by phone. The XFEL_StatusPublic shows that the FXE shutter is closed (we can also see the exp hutch door open from outside the control hutch).

Neither PRC nor BKR had any information about the FXE status.

We discussed with PRC and concluded that they are likely not using the beam, so in agreement with PRC we went ahead and got BKR setting SASE1 to 0 pulses at ~10:20. After few seconds, we got BKR setting SASE1 back to 30 pulses.

edit: PRC got in contact with FXE. Turns out they were (are) working in their ILH. we have a contact procedure for the next occasions now.

  213   04 Dec 2024, 07:12 Tomas PopelarSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

19 keV, ~ 400  - 450 uJ, 1 - 128 pulses, stable delivery

Optical laser



Lots of data collection, 659 runs total, lot of nice results, first obsertvations of 3D printing process


No major issue today

  16   08 Feb 2024, 23:14 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1-350 at 12.45 keV, 1700 uJ. Stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • fixing many issues with the cube and helium leaks
  • collected many quality diffraction data for both jet with and without samples
  • data on Nendu mutant (~2.5 hours of data collection) with two different conditions


  • AGIPD data aggregator stopped responding and it took about 1 h to be fixed by DOC, which interrupted the data collection

  • some strange streak diffraction appears on JF4M and this has to be removed by scanning X- and Y- nozzle motors carefully
  18   10 Feb 2024, 00:12 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1-350 at 12.45 keV, 1700 uJ. Stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • collected about over 15 hours of quality data from different samples (thanks to FXE) with extremely stable jet.


  • Issue with data processing in the morning and from the day before due to DAQ; only half of the detector data were calibrated; this was solved by switching to the old DAQ
  19   10 Feb 2024, 23:32 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1-350 at 12.45 keV, 1750 uJ. Stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • completed Uwe and Petra data.
  • the jet is almost established for <mixing experiments


  • We spent almost 7 hours working to establish the mixing injector jet
  21   11 Feb 2024, 23:04 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery
1-350 at 12.45 keV, 1700 uJ. Stable delivery

Optical laser delivery



- collected data at different delay times 14s and 18s with over 7 hours of data collection
- the jet was stabilized again by removing the catcher and decreasing transmission to ~30%
- removing the catcher is critical to get stable jet, that allowed us to run for over 20 runs without stop.


- The jet was extremely unstable for 1.5 shifts; we needed to stop the runs intermittently with intervals less than 10 mins. 
- It seems difficult in principle to go for longer delay times with the current setting; may be elongating the distance in Y-axis with 400 pixel if the jet stable may help to reach 20s.

  22   13 Feb 2024, 01:02 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1-350 at 12.45 keV, 1600 uJ. Stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • collected data at different delay times 20s and 40s
  • we installed new mixing injector to allow for longer delay times; and collected complete dataset with it
  • completed four different delay times for the users 14s, 18s, 20s and 40s


  • spent longer times to make stable jet which cause many interruptions and hutch searches almost every 5 mins for several hours.
  • it was extremely difficult to mix with delay at 20s with original setup.
  • nozzles broken during the day, costing several hours to prepare new ones
  28   21 Feb 2024, 23:00 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery: stable and flat over 250 pulses per train. 1.1 MHz with 400 uJ

Optical laser delivery: NA


  • Beam optimization and characterization
    - Short pulses tuned
    - HIREX setup and used to characterize the number of SASE SPIKES per pulse (~10)


  • 10 SASE spikes per pulse is more than desired
    - discussion with BKR and AccRC regarding possibilities for optimization (feedback in the morning)
    -HIREX data proc is not correct as dark processing fails

    - DOC informed and working on it
    - one issue was gothard II appeard to have timed out - does the number of triggers need increasing?
    -sample jetting setup

    - electrospray working but saw exactly 1 hit in run 32
    - tried to alighn with silver nano-cubes but had to switch to sucrose to increase hit rate to aid alignment
    - no hits with sucrose seen with scanning X +- 1mm

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00