SASE3 Summary of Maintenance Period and Ramp up activities, posted by Maurizio Vannoni on 30 Jan 2023, 15:21
SASE3 Summary of Maintenance Period and Ramp up activities
Maintenance |
SASE1 Summary of Maintenance Period and Ramp up activities, posted by Maurizio Vannoni on 30 Jan 2023, 16:31
SASE1 Summary of Maintenance Period and Ramp up activities
- MC2 library update was deployed by EEE and most of the motors were tested afterwards |
SASE2 Summary of Maintenance Period and Ramp up activities, posted by Maurizio Vannoni on 30 Jan 2023, 19:06
SASE2 Summary of Maintenance Period and Ramp up activities
- Many vibration tests were done. |
Shift summary, posted by Maurizio Vannoni on 16 Apr 2023, 07:00
Update of the damage tests at SQS.
Yesterday (15.04) SQS staff created a focused beam on our sample using a small YAG fragment we have placed on the holder.
Due to the unusual position, the beam is full of aberrations but it looked small enough for our purpose. Estimattion of the size is difficult |
Shift summary, posted by Silja Schmidtchen on 16 Apr 2023, 15:35
shift summary from Saturday 15.04.2023:
- Calibration of Euler MDL |
14.8 keV SPB 2mrad Alignment, posted by Maurizio Vannoni on 13 May 2023, 22:18 6x
Mirror positions and beam position on the imagers for 14.8 keV SPB, 2mrad
ATTENTION: the alignment was difficult due to the strong background from SA3 with 500 pulses. For the future, maybe SA3 could reduce to single
pulse during alignment of SA1. This would make the process easier. |
ALL RY MOTORS ARE IN MICROMETER SCALING, posted by Antje Trapp on 19 Jul 2023, 12:34
This has several implications:
- Ry values seem to have changed by a factor of 1000 |
Shift summary: 19. July, posted by Mikako Makita on 19 Jul 2023, 20:09 8x
Summary of today's activity:
Beam handover ~ 3pm.
SA2 mirror set tp B4C.
SA2 Rough alignment to MID & HED @ ~ 2-2.5 mrad ==> img 1, 4,
5 & 6
SA2 HED-Preabsorber position check with x-ray (working) ==> img 2 &3
SA3 M6 mirror Switch check (seems to be working)
SA1 |
SPB beam alignment 1 keV 2 mrad, posted by Kelin Tasca on 20 Jul 2023, 18:17
Shift summary of SASE2 alignment, posted by Antje Trapp on 20 Jul 2023, 18:20
Mirror pitch motors Ry were tested after scaling was changed to um.
Tx and Ry motor positions were calibrated to their measured physical positions.
FXE beam alignment 9 keV 2 mrad, posted by Kelin Tasca on 20 Jul 2023, 18:23
Shift summary of SASE1 alignment, posted by Kelin Tasca on 20 Jul 2023, 20:21
Beam aligned to SPB Pop-In
Beam aligned to FXE Pop-In
Vibration tests: |
Beam aligned to HED, posted by Antje Trapp on 21 Jul 2023, 16:54
Position stored in XRO setpoints - F and HED setpoints - A |
Summary of SA1 shift for XO and instruments, posted by Kelin Tasca on 21 Jul 2023, 17:22
PBLM checked:
Solid attenuators checked: |
Shift Summary SA2, posted by Silja Schmidtchen on 21 Jul 2023, 20:31
Alignment to HED:
SA2 - divergence with various M2 bender positions HED -
SA2 - divergence with various M2 bender positions MID - |
M3 vertical motors calibration - EulerMDL, posted by Antje Trapp on 02 Oct 2023, 21:48
Second iteration and sanitty test for vertical mirror motion (Y) and vertical beam alignment (ROLL)
Vertical motors were calibrated and offsets saved in Euler MDL (no calibration of motors done so far - this should be performed during ramp up
after WMP) |
Euler calibration and Mirror setpoints, posted by Antje Trapp on 03 Oct 2023, 22:51
euler MDL was calibrated for all three mirrors.
Optics setpoints saved in XRO setpoints for MID and HED
Shift end, posted by Harald Sinn on 03 Oct 2023, 22:58
End of Euler shift: all 3 SASE2 mirrors are now working with the Euler MDL.
We left the beamline aligned to HED, with M1,M2 on Pt for upcoming HED experiment at 18 keV.
Pre-absorber closed, CRL1 out, Solid attenuater with some diamonds. |
Euler MDL bugfix - motor velocities restored after stop, posted by Antje Trapp on 10 Nov 2023, 14:10
The Euler MDL was updated, so that velocities are restored to standard values also after the stop button was hit before motion was finished.
Please be aware that due to the synchronized motion, which is neccessary to keep the beam on the screen, some motors may move for a longer time
with very slow speed (main reason - backlash compensation). We are working on a solution with a minimum speed. |
scanning for HED beam, posted by Antje Trapp on 24 Jan 2024, 14:00
We found reflection of M3 on M2 popin, but could not locate the beam on HED PBLM nor HED_XTD6_SDLBM-1
scanning both horizontally and vertically around previously saved positions on M3 popin.
managed to get beam through to sdlbm-1. No beam found downstream of that. |