Proposal no. 002841
- DOI:
- 10.22003/XFEL.EU-DATA-002841-00
- Proposal Number:
- 002841
- Name:
- p002841
- Title:
- Investigation of the coherence of X-ray fluorescence
- Abstract:
We aim to develop the recently introduced method of intensity interferometry of fluorescence by conducting an experiment to measure the fluorescence coherence time of elements. These measurements will be made at high repetition rates in the forward scattering direction, to obtain enough signal and data to accurately measure fluorescence interference contrast even with pulses longer than coherence times. The geometry is akin to white-light interferometry (used in optical testing) where path lengths from the object to the detector are common. The measurements will provide the first demonstration of imaging using interference of X-ray fluorescence and give guidance on how to utilse this to obtain structural information about samples such as proteins.
- Beamtime 1:
- 2021-11-19 07:00:00 +0100 - 2021-11-22 23:00:00 +0100
- Instrument:
- Instrument Cycle:
- 202102
- Principal Investigator:
- Henry Chapman
- Main Proposer:
- Henry Chapman
- Experiment Data Contact:
- Henry Chapman
- Local Contact:
- Johannes Moeller
- Expected end of Embargo:
- 2024-11-22 23:00:00 +0100
- Open data since:
- 2024-11-22 23:00:00 +0100
- open data?:
- Yes
This proposal data is open
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