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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 43     Entry time: 15 May 2019, 12:53
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 15.05.19  


  • Nano KB mirrors and CSS controls are OK
  • Digitizers have been requested. HW needs to be installed and set up and the timeline has to be clarified betweek BF and SPB. Not possible to have them running on short notice.
  • Comment from AS: Trigger Test with pulse on demand to test the conditional trigger (5Hz like operation) is done, but failed to deliver a real conditional trigger. The Karabo device is adapted to switch between the present mode and conditional trigger from Karabo (although some issue were identified). The X2Timer configuration still need adjustment, BF is on it.


  • Re shuffling of PLC CPUs drawers will occur during the next winter shutdown.


  • MPODS power supplies are behaving strangely. CY will have a look.
  • pnCCD: Commissioning should start today. Maxi cage for interlocks will be installed today by SQS.


  • Det. DAQ test ongoing.


  • Axes for users operation being commissed
  • Communication between VAC and AE concerning the electronics for the cryo coolers - heaters has to be improved since AE was not involved during the last ZZ intervention on monday. MD will discuss later today with NJ.


  • Loop 6 can be operated in its completeness by middle of next week.
  • Laser beam has to be deivered to SCS in 2 weeks. Fw has to be uploaded in the PLCs. HW is ready, commissioning has to start.
  • There is the request to make the timing signal independent between the SASEs. Will be discussed offline with AE. It should be possible in the winter shutdown. ==> BF is talking to the involved people.





  • Karabo 2.4.1. improves the pipieline stability. The deployment is strongly suggested to MID and SPB. ==> Pipeline for SPB has been deployed. Minor issues being addressed. MID has to folllow.




  • Schedule for the Loop 10 and 11 of HED cables installation is confirmed. IN KW25 would be possible to bring the loop up.





ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00