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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 389     Entry time: 25 Jan 2023, 11:01
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 25.01.2022 
General Announcement:
-  As PRC, Raul V. thanks to CTRL and EEE for the work with the SEPS yesterday.

- New version for bunch alignment monitor devices (for pulse resolved operation). An e-mail will be sent to xo-info list.
- Regarding the issue reported by LAS: Karabo Beckhoff device went in error and a work around solution has been developed and to be implemented to reset the system.
- Issues with SEPS interlocks: PLCs devices went down at HED during tests. 
Steffen H. says an interface issue with Karabo happened; interlock settings are protected; yesterday CTRL had to implement a new update and as consequence many PLCs went down.

- Bring up days going smoothly; few issues found were fixed.

- Nerea J. informs that fix for the MDL for IMGS is deployed and shall work.
- SEPS modifications were done by lunch time yesterday. SA1 and SA2 were tested by end of the day. The SA3 SEPS tests will be done on Monday.

- Nothing to report.

- Hard X-ray PES was recommissioned last week. New Metrocal acquisition did not work; DA will investigate and inform XPD.

- Bring up days are ongoing.

- E-mail was sent for the dCache maintenance scheduled for next Monday.

- Not present.

- Issues with stages are under work and to be implemented today.

- A ZZ in SA2 to replace PS motor in cell 17 took place. The motor was replaced and a few spares are still remaining. 
- This or next week Pb shields will be received and ZZ would be required for their installation.
- Tomorrow the alignment of 4mm aperture in SA2 will take place.

- Not present.

- Nothing to report.

- Comment to XRO: alignment in tunnel XTD1 in ongoing.

- Broken pile-up on Monday happened. Steffen H. says that macros can be restarted now.
- Alignment in tunnels by XRO: HED needs some information on activities.

- Busy with bring up days at hutch.

- Not present.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00