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31 Jan 2024, 11:24 |
Frederik Wolff-Fabris | PRC | SA1 status | A ZZ is taking place today, 31.01 at 11:30, in XTD9 to verify and fix the M3 Pop-in screen which is currently blocking the beam. It is not yet clear if this is an electrical or mechnical problem.
** Update 13:05: ZZ intervention is finished and successful. A mechanical issue due to a loose coupling between motor and spindle was fixed. Machine is running again and SPB/SFX can use the beam. |
27 Jan 2024, 15:17 |
Idoia | XRO | Shift summary | SASE3
Open Issues:
- currently it is not possible to change the number of pulses because of Instruments beam permission interlock
- VSLIT was calibrated with diffraction fringes (it was off by 41 microns, the bottomo blade encoder was recalibrated to compensate this error)
- various setting points were checked at 20 mrad using mirror switch, no particular problems found
- ESLITS width was measured using diffracted beam. No Calibration was applied, we will discuss with instruments if this is needed/wished
- ATTENTION: SQS ans SXP ESLITS motors are now moving in the opposite direction as before (please look at the updated picture on the scene). Software limit switches are real limits: do not deactivate them
SCS ESLIT was already in this way: now all the ESLITs are configured similarly (no Elmo controllers anymore)
- SRA calibration was recalibrated
- FEL imager cross adjusted to GATT
Open Issues
- HED Mono1 still not going through until HED popin. Paralleism of crystals achieved. Transmission is ok until Beam Monitor but not further.
Beam height was checked but the problem remained
- M3 mirror realigned, Euler motion roughly calibrated.
ATTENTION: Old saved values are no longer usable. "XRO setpoints" must be used as a starting point for further alignment
- Positions C and E were saved
- The fast flipping positions were almost found, see here:
Unfortunately, beam was suddenly off and the procedure was not complete
- No particular problems found
- FXE and SPB trajectory rechecked, no particular problems found
- M1 & M2 motors were found with wrong scaling factors (since some times). They are corrected while maintaining the mirror positions. (Most affected was M1 vertical motors which is rarely used).
- saved positions are using the "fast flipping option" meaning that you can switch between the two only using M2 RY
- CRL1 motor calibrations were lost, and restored from 6th Dec. In case if there are further issues, contact Control. |
28 Jan 2024, 19:55 |
Naresh Kujala | XPD | Experiment summary | X-ray delivery
- 0.25nC, 14 GeV, rep rate 2.25 MHz, 9300 eV, 1 to 100 pulses, ~2000 uJ
- M1 and M2 mirrors are aligned and beam trajectory to SPB.
- Commissioning of the Gotthard-II 25um MHz detector on SA1-HIREX.
- Aligned the HIREX using bent diamond crystal C110 and no gratings used.
- 2D camera(Bragg/photonic science) aligned and spectral data is collected.
- Trigger delay scan of Gotthard-II detector. The best trigger delay setting was found at 1952637.
- Calibration Pipeline is established and can load/inject the constants
- Online preview of Gotthard-II corrected data is successfully tested and commissioned.
- successfully able to load calibration constants and dark runs in myMDC.
- Successfully able to start the calibrated data after completion of runs in myMDC.
- Calibration/corrected and dark data reports are successfully generated in the proposals
- New filter stage commissioned and tested. Updated the positions in the MDL.
- Intensity scan output for strips 2150 and 2151, obtained varying the SA1 diamond attenuators. I_0 is calculated integrating the output from strip 2000 to strip 2300.
- Different gain setting data was collected.
- Gotthard-II tested and commissioned with different rep. rate: 4.5 MHz, 2.25 MHz, 1.125 MHz, 0.5 MHz. The test was sucessfull and we can record spectrum for different rep. rate.
- There are no visible aritfacts around the gain switching region, and the correction seems to work well.
- spectral data is collected with 2.25 MHz with pulses 2, 30 and 100.
- Attachment 1: Fisrt results from Gotthard-II with spectral data in MHz rep rate.
- Calibration pipeline of pulses/train (ASSEMBLE_STREAK) couldn't able to instance. DRC and OCD DA group helped to fix (Thank you)
- Adhoc data sources were added in SA1 COMM with support from DRC and CTRL (Thank you)
- beam lost at ~12:30hr today due magnets issues and till now no beam. Unable to continue the rest of the program planned for commissioned of the Gotthard-II.
Thanks to Marco, Jiaghuo, DRC(Monica), CTRL OCD (Andrea), DA OCD (Karim) for there support and help.
Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-01-28_20-42-59.png
28 Jan 2024, 13:50 |
Jan Gruenert | PRC | Issue | RC / BKR informs : Beam is down (since 12h10), all beamlines affected
The reason is failure of a quadrupole (power supply) downstream of the dogleg.
The MPS crew is working on recovery, access to XTL ongoing.
RC will inform when new estimates come in on when we can restart beam operation.
Currently affected on Photon side:
- SA1: Naresh (XPD) and Marco (DET) working on Gotthard-II commissioning. Naresh is present at BKR.
- SA2/SA3: Antje + Mikako (XRO) working on SA2 mirror flipping tests and SA3 exit slit check. Both are located at SXP control hutch.
Other XRO members will come in for the afternoon/evening shift work. Antje will inform them via chat. |