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  OPERATION-2024 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 2     Entry time: 28 Jan 2024, 19:55
Author: Naresh Kujala 
Group: XPD 
Subject: Experiment summary 

X-ray delivery

  • 0.25nC, 14 GeV, rep rate 2.25 MHz, 9300 eV, 1 to 100 pulses, ~2000 uJ
  • M1 and M2 mirrors are aligned and beam trajectory to SPB.


  • Commissioning of the Gotthard-II 25um MHz detector on SA1-HIREX.


  • Aligned the HIREX using bent diamond crystal C110 and no gratings used.
  • 2D camera(Bragg/photonic science) aligned and spectral data is collected.
  • Trigger delay scan of Gotthard-II detector. The best trigger delay setting was found at 1952637.
  • Calibration Pipeline is established and can load/inject the constants
  • Online preview of Gotthard-II corrected data is successfully tested and commissioned.
  • successfully able to load calibration constants and dark runs in myMDC.
  • Successfully able to start the calibrated data after completion of runs in myMDC.
  • Calibration/corrected and dark data reports are successfully generated in the proposals
  • New filter stage commissioned and tested. Updated the positions in the MDL.
  • Intensity scan output for strips 2150 and 2151, obtained varying the SA1 diamond attenuators. I_0 is calculated integrating the output from strip 2000 to strip 2300.
  • Different gain setting data was collected.
  • Gotthard-II tested and commissioned with different rep. rate: 4.5 MHz, 2.25 MHz, 1.125 MHz, 0.5 MHz. The test was sucessfull and we can record spectrum for different rep. rate.
  • There are no visible aritfacts around the gain switching region, and the correction seems to work well.
  • spectral data is collected with 2.25 MHz with pulses 2, 30 and 100.
  • Attachment 1: Fisrt results from Gotthard-II with spectral data in MHz rep rate.


  • Calibration pipeline of pulses/train (ASSEMBLE_STREAK) couldn't able to instance. DRC and OCD DA group helped to fix (Thank you)
  • Adhoc data sources were added in SA1 COMM with support from DRC and CTRL (Thank you)
  • beam lost at ~12:30hr today due magnets issues and till now no beam. Unable to continue the rest of the program planned for commissioned of the Gotthard-II.


Thanks to Marco, Jiaghuo, DRC(Monica), CTRL OCD (Andrea), DA OCD (Karim) for there support and help.


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