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  OPERATION-2024 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, H.Sinn, Page 12 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Group Subjectdown
  95   05 May 2024, 00:25 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDExperiment summary
  • proposal 5700 finished on 04.05. The experiment used 352 pulses at 4.5 MHz and 18 keV to X-ray heat pressurized samples in diamond anvil cells. Overall succesful on several samples.
  • Issues:
    • the requested 20.5 keV photon energy had too low pulse intensities so we had to go down to 18 keV
    • pulse energies at 18 keV (300-400 uJ) were insufficient for some samples
    • the ramp in pulse envelope has not been delivered consistently throughtout the experiment (eventually we gave up due to the average low pulse energies)
  127   18 Jun 2024, 13:03 Kelin TascaXROCompensation of M2 RY motor for the case of Piezo off

We plan to put the piezos of M2 off, in the (unprobable) case that this is the reason of the "jumps" in SASE3 trajectory.

Therefore, I measured the change on RY and RZ motors, to correct all the positions

Fig 1: initial position, Motors Ry=10.5425 and RZ=-14.7200  Piezo Ry =5 and Rz=5

Fig 2: Ry is compensated, Motors Ry=10.4990 and RZ=-14.72  Piezo Ry =0 and Rz=5

Fig 3: Rz is compensated, Motors Ry=10.4990 and RZ=-14.7574  Piezo Ry =0 and Rz=0


Differential values: RY needs to be adjusted by -0.0435 and Rz by -0.0374


Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_13-16-14.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_13-18-15.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_13-20-06.png
  143   11 Aug 2024, 00:13 Andreas GallerPRCAttention

EPS Interlock change for Mode30:
the 3 HIREX Interlock conditions had been disabled

  68   30 Mar 2024, 00:17 Björn Senfftleben (Resolved) Issues with DAQ

We had some trouble with the DAQ. It was not able to start runs properly.

We got the following error messages:


[00:01:27]: Problem of communication with data manager

[00:01:30]: Start new run ...

[00:01:38]: Failed starting data recording

DM: error at registerRun (Request to MDC timeouted)

after trying to start the run again:

[00:05:35]: Start new run ...

[00:05:35]: Failed starting data recording

DM: error at registerRun (Problem of communication with MDC

#Info: MDC-1100: MDC web server error: Error creating run

#Details: {'run_number': ['must be unique per proposal', 'has already been taken'], 'experiment_id': ['has already been taken']})


Cycling the DAQ resolved the issue.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00