## Shift summary night July 28th-29th
- we saw signal on both MCPs (with a voltage of around 1500 V). We used the MCPs to measure XAS at Cu L edge at different theta angles from 120 deg (specular to MCPs) to 70 deg (facing hRIXS). At grazing angles the spectrum is a bit distorted, but just to see the edge is perfectly fine. If there is a diode on the way, the MCP sees still some fluorescence.
- we saw the direct beam at APD 8 with transmission 0.02 % and 55 V bias voltage.
- we saw signal also on diode 4 and APD5
- the detectors connected are: diode 2, diode 4, APD 5, MCP_BIG and MCP_SMALL
- we looked for signal at rixs on CoO, but it was too weak so we asked BKR to go to vertical polarization
- beam with vertical polarization was transported to the sample
- continie the optimization of hRIXS at Su and hr grating
- XAS processor was not working, tried to change date source, but it didn't help.
- diode 6 could not see any signal, probably because it is obstractad by thte antenna back
Program for next shift:
- finish optimization at Cu edge hr grating
- optimize for Fe, at this geometry or rotated hRIXS. |