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  OPERATION-2023 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, L.Samoylova, H.Sinn, Page 18 of 24  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Groupdown Subject
  56   26 Feb 2023, 01:37 Felix BrausseMIDShift Summary Feb 25th
  • Aligned both branches of the split-and-delay line.
  • Brought the beam into the experimental hutch to image it on the x-ray eye; the sample hexapod is not moving (again?); the values keep changing, but the device clearly does not move


  • Looked at the beam on the Zyla (Zyla is still in)


TODO for tomorrow:

  • Make x-ray eye work
  • Use the x-ray eye, measure pointing stability (both beams) until Bertram arrives
  • With Bertram, do timing scans on x-ray eye and hope to see interference fringes



  57   27 Feb 2023, 02:10 Felix BrausseMIDShift Summary Feb 26th

Moved out MONO, aligned SDL without MONO

Looked at both beams on DES

Struggled to get the same beam size with SDL inserted compared to direct beam (~8 um); fixed by adjusting slits

Major beam-pointing issues w/ the upper branch on the x-ray eye, even when all `fine` motors were off

Experimented w/ turning off  certain `coarse` motors at a time


  85   17 Mar 2023, 01:48 Johannes MoellerMIDShift summary

The intensity of the Seeding decreesed from 850 uJ to 550 uJ during the time between 20:00 and 02:00.

The Spectral purity also got worst, the beam in HIREX looks to have more SASE shoulders.

Between 18 and 20 we show a prossible transiant signal, PPL, of the lower branch. But a problem with the monochromator in the MID opt Hutch trigger the valve to close. After we where not able to see the signal possible effect of laser or X-ray inestabilities.

Problems with the liquidjet, the nozzel got clogged.

Started the aligment of the upper branch of SDL

  111   28 Mar 2023, 15:26 Angel Rodriguez FernandezMIDIssue

The door from MID side entrance was smashed and we lost the radiation permit.

The acciedent happened between 11 (when the door was lest use by MID members) and 14:19 (when the picture was taken).

It is possible that we will have the permit in the next hours to countinue.

The Door was repared by TS (thank you for the fast answer) and at 15:40 Eric gave us the right to proceed after the crosscheck of all the systems.

  112   29 Mar 2023, 01:31 Jörg HallmannMIDShift summary March 28th

Seeding at 9 keV with 800 - 1000uJ intensity

1. alignment of the lower branch of the SDL

2. focussing with CRL2 and check of the beam size using wire scans (slightly more than 10 um)

3. calibration of the EPIX2 position using calibrant LaB6 and optimizing its position

4. measuring scattering of the sample (not a conclusive behaviour yet)

  113   30 Mar 2023, 02:37 Jörg HallmannMIDshift summary March 29th

achievments: alignment of the SDL (both branches)

measuring of samples & calibrants



- broken laser interlock - cannot be set - PRC is informed and contacted SRP - repair expected in the morning

- ScannerX broken - morning shift might contact DOC or expert

- EPIXs do not send data after rearrangement of the modules - expert consulation might be necessary

  116   31 Mar 2023, 01:51 Jörg HallmannMIDshift summary March 30th

- seeding at ~800 uJ

- repaired the laser interlock of A.08

- EPIX back in operation

- timing difference of both branches of the SDL measured with the optical laser (~4ps)

- measurement of samples with single & both branches (damage threshold, crystallization studies & studies on reversible changes)


  139   16 Apr 2023, 23:06 Antje TrappMIDshift summary EulerMDL calibration

First four pictures: beam line status at beginning of shift - Beam aligned to MID

Idea is to check M2 parasitic motions again on M3 popin. therefore bringing M2 close to 0 with all vertical motors and Tx as much as possible without using beam on the popin.

Adjusting M1 pitch with it

Approch - drive roll and correct rz offest to stay in at the same horizontal position - adjust also ROLL Offset to show 0 in middle position

When ROLL IS DONE continuE with rx and then ty

offset calibration needs iteration. We started the second iteration but could not finish.

Other pictures: documentation of calibration process

  151   22 Apr 2023, 21:57 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

Quick aligment of the instrument with quiet good HXRSS performance after cryofailure

Checking of t0 to the optical PP laser

Test of energy scanning macro (Undulator + HXRSS)

Cool down of sample and measurement of first delay points until cryo failure 2

Beam loss due to cryo plant failure

  172   04 May 2023, 01:22 Jan-Etienne PudellMIDShift summary

Shift summary:

- get the beam with 23keV and 120µJ 

- falignment of mirrors m1 and m2 on the pt stripe at 23keV

- irst time lens alignment with CRL1 and CRL2, get beam size of 5µm at sample position for users

- took data for the calibration of the AGIPD detector quadrants with LaB6 and Al targets

- set-up trigger of in-vacuum camera and ns-laser to match x-ray arrival time


- could not move the AGPID detector


Beamline status:

- Lenses insert, DN500 closed, AGIPD HV off, Feedback running with 5 pulses and increased attenuation (2mm Si in XTD6 ATT and 0.8 Si OPT ATT additional).




  177   05 May 2023, 02:16 Jan-Etienne PudellMIDShift summary

X-ray delivery:

- stable at 120µJ, mostly 63 pulses

- 1:30h downtime


- checked some alternativ lens configuration to test for smallest focus

- changed nozzle of liquid jet. The old one was strongly tilted at low flow rates

- overlap between x-ray / liquid jet achieved 

- first scans from pure water at different jet distances



- still problems with AGIPD detector movements (Motor is a state that does not exist in Karabo, only a reset on PLC level seems to solve the problem for a short time)

- x-ray beam has hit part of the shielding resulting in some damaged pixels on the AGIPD.

  184   06 May 2023, 02:19 Jan-Etienne PudellMIDShift summary

- We get stable x-ray delivery with 130µJ.


- We could move the detector succesfully in and out of the LFoV configuration!

- We added a hole in in the black Kapton foil and increased the holes in the Kapton shielding of the jet. These were not positioned well, due to a misalignment of the ALAS. After this intervention we did not observe any scattering rings on the detector.

- We aligned the liquid jet and get a nice diffraction rings from water. 

  190   07 May 2023, 02:23 Jan-Etienne PudellMIDShift summary

We had stable x-ray delivery with 120µJ and up to 300 pulses.

Successful user data acquisition of water and water+THF samples at various supercooled states

  194   08 May 2023, 02:38 Jan-Etienne PudellMIDShift summary

Stable beam delivery with 23keV and 140µJ at 2.2, 1.1 and 0.55MHz


User data acquisition during the day interrupted by storage and detector DAQ problems:

- problem with detector DAQ, which is correlated to the full SSD cache.

- we run out of storage, this problem was solved by the DAQ problems. We lost 6h of measurement time today, due to storage limitations. 

- 2 detector modules stopped sending data

  209   25 May 2023, 01:59 Jörg HallmannMIDShift summary

optimization of seeding ongoing

tasks achieved during alignment:

- polarizer aligned

- analyzer aligned

- detectors + ADQ412 in operation

- check on the energy (up to know, the energy is fine)


  232   08 Jun 2023, 11:02 Johannes MoellerMIDIssue

Addition to previous issue:

Last incident (of overall 4), we had 0 bunches, moved in XTD1 ATT 0.6 and 1.2 mm CVD diamond in and 2.4mm CVD out. However, vacuum started to become bad already two days ago.

Update from vacuum OCD: Seems to be related to one leaky below of 2.4 mm CVD arm. Operational consequences are discussed right now.

  234   09 Jun 2023, 02:22 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

*Vacuum issues: There seems to be a leak in the arm nr. 6 (2.4mm CVD Diamond). This has escalated to trip several times the vacuum sector interlock. VAC will do an intervention to XTD1 with broken interlock tomorrow morning starting 9am to remove arm 6 permanently and putting a blind flange instead. 
*We can measure for today with the 2.4mm CVD Diamond inserted into the beam.
*Measurements on Vycor and glass samples with different attenuation at and repetition rate (2.2 and 4.5 MHz)
*A25 trip at 1:14, after some intervention we get the beam back at 2:12

  239   10 Jun 2023, 00:39 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

* Data collection of vycor and glass samples in SAXS geometry until 9am

* Successful intervention on SA2_XTD1_ATT arm 6 by the vacuum group, see elog entry 237 by Raoul and Bianca . Thanks!

* Simultaneous CoC in the MID hutch to WAXS geometry.

* Beam back for tuning around 4:30pm, HXRSS tuning still ongoing

  244   11 Jun 2023, 02:08 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

* First half of the day was used to optimize seeding performance
* Cryo issues started at 6 pm; were resolved by 9:30pm
* After some tuning, we observed very nice seeding performance around midnight (ratio better than 1:1)
* Beam size seems too big; we measured 25x25 um w/ knife edge scans and CRL2 lenses 3,5,6
* Mounted the x-ray again, and left the chamber pumping overnight
* Morning crew, please double-check the beam size tomorrow

  249   12 Jun 2023, 02:01 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

*Some more tuning of HXRSS and focus optimization in the morning.

*XPCS data taken in WAXS geometry on different glass samples.

*Migration of data is clogging up after about 10pm. DRC was contacted.

*Beam loss at 1am due to lost connection to TD5, MPS shut off beam in SA2.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00