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  XHCrew logbook, Page 52 of 53  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Location Severity Subject
  39   30 Sep 2022, 10:40 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationXHE1

XHCrew went to shaft building and took note of the series numbers of the filter units. There are still 8 pieces left and their functionality is somehow unclear.

Checked the spaces for the next week's transport.


Coworkers: S.Menzel, M.Lüdeke, O.Bilani




  38   29 Sep 2022, 19:25 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationJoint Cleantent

Mr. Ch. Grüner from "Spetec" came to discuss about the build up of the joint clean tent in the Exp.Hall.

He proposed not to use R+K profiles, but their own, since the R+K profiles do not provide a good stability of the cleanroom modules.

We have most of the filter units, so we do not neccessary need to buy all of them (save money).

The instruments will inform about the last filter change (actually is a yearly procedure).

The crane position for the SCS part of the clean tent can be changed (we got confirmation from J-T.Delitz).

In case it will be granted to build the cleantent from "Spetec", we agreed to have only one expert from "Spetec" to build it up, instead of four (saving money), since the entire XHCrew (O.Bilani, S.Menzel, M.Lüdeke)  will work on it.

The time scale is 2-3 weeks to complete the whole mounting and the Inbetriebnahme.

On 30.09 we will go to XHE1 to see the type of the filter units and give this information further to Mr. Ch.Grüner.

  37   29 Sep 2022, 16:25 Sascha MenzelXHEXPInformationSCS Support

Hall Crew unterstützt beim Reinraumzelt Aufbau auf dem Balkon.


Coworkers: S.Menzel, C,Broers

Attachment 1: IMG_6911.jpg
  36   29 Sep 2022, 15:52 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPProblemElevator at TH2

Nils Rennhack called because the elevator at TH2 has stopped between the floors.

L. Kersting was immediately informed, and he is taking care to solve the problem.



  35   29 Sep 2022, 12:10 Sascha MenzelGeneralInformationTS Support

P. Schmidt bat um unterstützung beim Dewars füllen mit flüssigen Stickstoff. 2 Dewars für Vacuum gefüllt.


Coworkers: S.Menzel

  34   29 Sep 2022, 10:39 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationHall Organization Meeting

-> FXE:  mentioned, as two days ago, that they will need support on 10.10 for craning of the Kappa Goniometer: Hall Crew will try to find the best solution for that and organize a meeting between FXE, HallCrew and S. Arslan.

              They asked if we know when can they have He again, but we made it clear that XHCrwe doesn't have any news about that and we are not the point of contact for gases.


-> SXP: support on finishing the building up of the Frame for the  Momentum Microscope (Tuesday 4.10.2022). V. Vardanyan was aksed to start mounting early in the morning and HallCrew will join for support at 10:00 am.

              needs support on craning a pump (details on what and when exactly will follow).


-> PLA: must/have to drill few holes for the central pressurized air into the pillars (Säule) in the exp.hall. Since they must drill only on mondays (when there is no beam and the measurements do not get disturbed from vibrations) and 3.10 is a holyday, they asked for  permission to drill on Tuesday  (4.10), but not the entire day.

            FXE. HED, SQS and SCS do not see a problem on that. Other Instruments still to be asked.


-> The instruments' representative were informed that from 10.10 - 15.10 only M. Lüdeke is present from XHCrew and the week after, 17.10 - 21.10 no member of XHCrew is there due to vacation/training. O.Bilani will check anyway regularly the emails and will be telefonisch erreichbar in any case and reminded the colleagues to keep the hall free from any chaos, danger and waste.





  33   28 Sep 2022, 18:54 Sascha MenzelXHEXPInformationSCS Support

Transport von R+K Lieferung (diverse Profile) aus dem Warehouse in die Halle (XHEXP1 Balkon) und Paletten / Verpackung entsorgt.


Coworkers: M.Lüdeke, C.Broers

  32   28 Sep 2022, 18:52 Sascha MenzelXHEXPInformationR+K Regal fuer SQS weiter komplettiert

Seitenteil und Deckel für das R+K Regal (SQS) montiert.


Coworkers: M.Lüdeke, S.Menzel

  31   28 Sep 2022, 18:48 Sascha MenzelXHEXPInformationRegal fuer die Hall Crew Huette fertig gestellt

Rückwand vom Regal für die Hall Crew Hütte befestiegt und das Regal in der Hütte aufgestellt..


Coworkers: S.Menzel, M.Lüdeke

Attachment 1: IMG_6908.jpg
  30   28 Sep 2022, 13:44 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationSQS: Support

Yevheniy sent a ticket to XO Transport, as following:

"Hi   Hall Crew, 
We would like to transport from experimental hall to XHE1 the following

-> Cluster source  with QR44455 
-> The DSSC components: QR 47932,  QR 47938, QR48494, QR48493

-> The big CF300 VAT valve for the DSSC experiments with QR44459

-> The pnCCD rack with QR5802 "


He was supported with the Ticket, QR and the XIM.

The transport will be carried out next week.

(A big laser table can also be stored to XHE1. T.Mullins will let know by latest end of the week.)

Coworkers: Y. Ovcharenko, O. Bilani


  29   27 Sep 2022, 20:15 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationFXE Support

FXE (P.Frankenberger, M.Knoll)  needs our support on craning Kappa Goniometer (ca.180kg) and attaching it into the beamline. Since the space is quite limited, one would need a special crane (the manual one that HiBEF has left to HallCrew to be used by all instruments when needed, which unfortunately, due to a leak problem, is out of service; the talk between S.Arslan and T. Toncian is still pending).

The support is needed on 10.10.2022, where only M.Lüdeke is available from Hall Crew and maybe P.Zalden from FXE (all the rest are on vacation).

We will discuss on Tuesday, 4.10., with S. Arslan to find a solution on time.


  28   27 Sep 2022, 17:32 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationSQS: Transport to XHE1

SQS asks for support to transport from Experimental Hall to XHE1 the following components:

-> Cluster source  with QR44455
-> The DSSC components: QR 47932,  QR 47938

Yevheniy will clairify, if  the racks with QR 47938 and  QR47932 (part of DSSC), have to be transported to XHE1 or not.

Coworkers: O.Bilani, Y. Ovcharenko

  27   27 Sep 2022, 16:46 Sascha MenzelGeneralInformation2 Dewars gefuellt

Am 26.09.2022 um 09:00 Uhr -> (TS Peter Schmidt bat um Unterstützung) 2 Dewars mit Flüssigstickstoff für Vasilii gefüllt.


Coworkers: S.Menzel 

  26   27 Sep 2022, 16:37 Sascha MenzelXHEXPInformationRegal für Hall Crew Huette angepasst

Ein Holzregal was in die Hall Crew Hütte soll, mittels einer Stichsäge ausgesägt damit es wegen dem Kabelkanal ganz an die Wand passt.


Coworkers: S.Menzel, M.Lüdeke

Attachment 1: IMG_6906.jpg
  25   27 Sep 2022, 16:33 Sascha MenzelXHEXPInformationAluminiumplatten für das SQS Regal montiert

Aluminiumplatten an das R+K Regal für SQS montiert.


Coworkers: S.Menzel, M.Lüdeke

Attachment 1: IMG_6905.jpg
  24   26 Sep 2022, 15:23 Sascha MenzelXHEXPInformationSQS Support

Granitsteine (wo der 1D XUV spectrometer drauf steht) mittels Hutch-Kran versetzt.

Coworkers: Th.Baumann, O.Bilani, M.Lüdeke, S.Menzel

  23   22 Sep 2022, 19:44 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationSQS Support

SQS support:

-> Completed the building up of the vacuum pump and mounted it in the beamline (pic.a and b).

-> Craned and mounted (attached) the 1D XUV spectrometer (from Uppsala) into the beamline (pic.c and d).


Coworkers: O,Bilani, Th. Baumann, J. Montano


Attachment 1: sqs_22Sept2022_a.jpg
Attachment 2: sqs_22Sept2022_b.jpg
Attachment 3: sqs_22Sept2022_c.jpg
Attachment 4: sqs_22Sept2022_d.jpg
Attachment 5: sqs_22Sept2022_.jpg
  22   22 Sep 2022, 17:14 Sascha MenzelGeneralInformationHall Crew Techniker Fortbildung Fraesen

Vom 19.09.2022 bis 23.09.2022

Hall Crew Techniker zur Fortbildung (Fräsen) beim bfw (Berufsfortbildungswerk) siehe Bilder und Video.

Coworkers: S.Menzel, M.Lüdeke

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  21   21 Sep 2022, 15:47 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationSQS support

SQS supported on building up and preparing for mounting the vacuum pump (see pic below).

Work on going...

Coworkers: O,Bilani, J. Montano

Attachment 1: sqs_21Sept2022.jpg
  20   20 Sep 2022, 14:52 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationGas cabinets: TüV

Tobias Bartsch wird bis ende nächste Woche die Gasschränke in SA1 and SA3 prüfen (die TüVs sind fällig).

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00