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  XHCrew logbook, Page 44 of 49  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Location Severity Subject
  119   19 Dec 2022, 12:42 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationUpdate: Stored parts in XHE1

The documentation for the storeed parts in the shaft building XHE1 has been updated and uploaded to Alfresco (see link below):


  118   16 Dec 2022, 11:51 Michael LuedekeGeneralInformationSQS start installation frame for exhaust
  117   14 Dec 2022, 14:30 Sascha MenzelGeneralInformationKranen und Transport zum XHE1

SCS Parts in der Hutch auf Paletten und Gitterbox gekrant, verzurrt und für den Transport zum XHE1 in die LKW Schleuse gebracht. SCS Parts und Palette von SPB/SFX nach Osdorf XHE1 transportiert.

Die Palette von SPB/SFX mit Hilfe von S.Arslan im XHE1 vom Anhänger gekrant.

SCS, SPB/SFX Parts eingelagert.


Coworkers: S.Menzel, M.Lüdeke, O.Bilani, S.Arslan


  116   14 Dec 2022, 07:27 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationCraning for SXP

V. Vardanyan asked for the XHCrew support in craning in the SXP experiment hutch. Will meet him on 15.12 for further details.

  115   13 Dec 2022, 16:49 Sascha MenzelGeneralInformationTransport XHE1->XHEXP1

HiBEF Parts QR50374, QR50375, QR50373 und QR50372 zum XHE1 transportiert und eingelagert.

Vom XHE1 SCS Parts QR44265, QR49608, QR49609 und QR49620 zur XHEXP1 transportiert und in die SCS Assembly Area gestellt.


Coworkers: S.Menzel, M.Lüdeke, H.Heuer

  114   09 Dec 2022, 13:32 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationHiBEF: Bellows and pipes to give away

HiBEF had a Gitterbox with various bellows and pipes to give away.

SQS is now the new owner. :-) Are now stored in SQS labs in the E floor.

  113   09 Dec 2022, 11:54 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationSQS

Contacted SQS (N.Rennhack) and suggested solution  for three chemical kanisters "Thermal G for Julabo" located at the entrance of their hutch.

They have been removed from there, and are now located in the chemicals' storage.

Coworkers: V. Bazhenov, O. Bilani


  112   09 Dec 2022, 09:46 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationHiBEF Rack

A rack to give away from HiBEF has found a new owner , the SQS (N.Rennhack).



  111   09 Dec 2022, 09:44 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationHiBEF: Waste

A pallet with waste from HiBEF was removed from the hall and disposed.



  110   09 Dec 2022, 07:55 Michael LuedekeGeneralInformationSCS clean tent installation 8.12.2022

The big aluminium plate is mounted

The frame of the clean tent is well moving

Some small tasks are missing and will be done next week


  109   08 Dec 2022, 13:12 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationSCS Rack Room

The door of the SCS rack room is functional again.

The cause of the SCS rack room door jamming was a piece of cardboard that was inserted into the door latch opening by a person. That has been removed and the door is working again.

  108   08 Dec 2022, 08:32 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationSCS Rack Room

The door of the SCS Rack Room can't open, even when activation with the DACHS card shows a green light. It seems to be stucked.

S.Arslan informed via Redmine Ticket.

  107   08 Dec 2022, 07:51 Michael LuedekeGeneralInformationSCS clean tent 7.12.2022

Preparation top plate part 1 (drilling, cutting, mounting)

  106   07 Dec 2022, 14:07 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationSQS

Together with T.Mazza checked the COMO source, which is located in XHE1.

This will be brought back in January in XHEXP1, details will follow in due time.



  105   07 Dec 2022, 11:16 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationSCS: Transport (XHE1, XHEXP1)

Until the end of the year SCS needs back from XHE1 to XHEXP1 the components (QR 44265, QR 49608, QR 49609 and QR 49620).

Further, other components will be stored in the XHE1. Details will follow by next week.


  104   07 Dec 2022, 11:09 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationHiBEF

HiBEF colleauges (mainly J.Hauser) are cleaning up the spaces from the materials which no longer are needed in the hall.

They are preparing a 1-2 pallets with waste.

Many components will be stored in the shaft building XHE1 (will support them  wth Redmine Ticket and QR codes).

Meanwhile the "Montagehilfe für Cryofan" QR 47620 has been used and can be brought back to XHE1.


  103   07 Dec 2022, 11:07 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationXHCrew Hutch

Under the XHallCrew office  lights have been installed and are functional.

  102   07 Dec 2022, 08:15 Michael LuedekeGeneralInformationSCS clean tent installation 6.12.2022

Installation C-Profile

Moving Chamber 1

Moving Chamber 2

Material preparation

  101   30 Nov 2022, 14:49 Michael LuedekeGeneralInformationSCS Cleantent Day 2 22-11-30
  100   29 Nov 2022, 15:09 Michael LuedekeGeneralInformationSCS Installation for Cleantent 22_11_29
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00