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  XHCrew logbook, Page 21 of 49  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Location Severity Subject
  579   05 Mar 2024, 07:13 Sascha MenzelXHEXPInformation04.03 SCS Support


Eine Kammer vom SCS Bereich in derem Hutch mittels Luftdruck transportiert und auf die richtige Position gebracht/befestigt.

Vom blauen Untergestell die Verlängerung gelöst und mit dem Hutch-Kran auf eine Palette gekrant. Das blaue Untergestell mit dem Hutch-Kran auf Position gekrant und befestingt.


Coworker: C.Broers, J.T.Delitz, F.Siyli, S.Menzel

Attachment 1: Image20240305071323.jpg
Attachment 2: Image20240305071326.jpg
Attachment 3: Image20240306150224.jpg
  578   04 Mar 2024, 12:50 Sascha MenzelGeneralInformationDewar gefüllt

Dewar #25580 & #25584 für Huijong gefüllt.

  577   04 Mar 2024, 12:48 Sascha MenzelGeneralInformationDewar gefüllt

Dewar #25579 und #25087 für James Moore gefüllt.

  576   01 Mar 2024, 14:05 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationGeneral

-> Stromkabel @SQS:

The yellow and the orange ones was/is on the way in the experiment hall, posing thus a Stolpergefahr. Discussed with N. Rennhack and T. Baumann, the yellow one has been removed.

With the advice of O. Engelmann, the orange one will be shared and plugged in into the distributor with SCS (Oleg already informed SCS about). More details, next week.

-> Removed from the hall the waste originating from one of the empty tunnels.


Attachment 1: IMG_20240301_102411_MP.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_20240301_103222_MP.jpg
Attachment 3: IMG_20240301_135236_MP.jpg
  575   01 Mar 2024, 08:57 Frank SiyliGeneralInformationVacuum dewars

Filled 2 dewars for Vacuum.

  574   29 Feb 2024, 16:45 Frank SiyliXHEXPInformationSCS support

Air pad powered instrument move from SCS to the assembly area.


Coworkers: J.T. Delitz, C Broers, F.Siyli 

Attachment 1: IMG_4784.jpg
  573   27 Feb 2024, 15:43 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationSQS Support in XHE1

Suppoerted SQS in XHE1 with disassembling parts from the cluster source and transported these components back to XHEXP1.

Co-workers: Y. Ovcharenko, A. Igharas, O. Bilani

Attachment 1: SQS.png
  572   27 Feb 2024, 15:27 Frank SiyliXHEXPInformationSCS support

Supported Carsten Broers to unscrew parts of the experimental structure.

Attachment 1: IMG_4773.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_4774.jpg
Attachment 3: IMG_4775.jpg
  571   27 Feb 2024, 11:12 Frank SiyliGeneralInformationDewar for Luigi Adriano

Filled the dewar QR25087.

  570   27 Feb 2024, 10:03 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationTransport to XHEXP1: SCS

Transport from XHE1 to XHEXP items (QR: 44451,  44452,  44453 and 46867) for SCS.

Co-workers: M. Pooch, O. Bilani

Attachment 1: IMG_20240227_093706_MP.jpg
  569   26 Feb 2024, 11:31 Frank SiyliGeneralInformationTransport to Ütersen QR49876

Transport: HED parts QR49876 from XHEXP to Ütersen Block 8.


Coworkers: Martin Döring, Frank Siyli

Attachment 1: IMG_4767.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_4768.jpg
  568   23 Feb 2024, 08:58 Frank SiyliGeneralInformationVacuum dewars

Filled 2 dewars for Vacuum.

  567   22 Feb 2024, 15:44 Frank SiyliGeneralInformationHiBEF dewars

Filled 2 dewars for HiBEF



  566   21 Feb 2024, 13:14 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationHiBEF: LN2 Dewar

Filled a LN2 dewar for HiBEF (C. Baehtz).


  565   21 Feb 2024, 10:00 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationTransport to XHE1

Transport to XHE1 a component, linear stage for the XFELO project,  from ME (M. di Felice); QR 61162

He will need it in the summer maintenance period.

Co-workers: O. Bilani, F. Siyli

Attachment 1: IMG_20240221_092822_MP.jpg
  564   19 Feb 2024, 22:46 Sascha MenzelGeneralInformationSCS Support

Diverse R+K Profile und eine Alu-Platte der Werkstatt auf Maaß zugeschnitten und in der XHEXP1 zu einen Halter/Stütze zusammen montiert.

Attachment 1: Image20240219211719.jpg
Attachment 2: Image20240219211721.jpg
Attachment 3: Image20240219211725.jpg
  563   19 Feb 2024, 18:15 Sascha MenzelGeneralInformationDewar gefüllt

Zwei Dewar für C.Bähtz nachgefüllt.

  562   19 Feb 2024, 14:37 Frank SiyliXHEXPInformationMID support

Support for Gabriele Ansaldi.

Switched mounting direction of the adapter plate and mounted the component on the MDS_2.

Coworkers: Gabriele Ansaldi, Frank Siyli


Attachment 1: IMG_4747.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_4749.jpg
  561   17 Feb 2024, 10:30 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformationWaste

Disposed all the Plastik/Karton waste out from the experiment hall (waste belonged to: SCS, HiBEF and MID)

  560   17 Feb 2024, 06:05 Orkidia BilaniXHEXPInformation16.02.2024 HiBEF: Transport to the experiment hall

Transported from XHE1 to XHEXP1 a box with parts for T. Toncian of HiBEF.

Co-workers: O. Bilani, S. Menzel

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00