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Message ID: 679     Entry time: 09 May 2024, 14:25
Author: Orkidia Bilani 
Location: XHEXP 
Severity: Information 
Subject: SASE3: Dräger, SCS Empore  

T. Mazza (SQS) called to inform about an alarm at the Dräger gas cabinet.

Went to quit/mute the alarm (yellow alarm level) took pictures, informed and sent the pics to TS OCD (C. Holz), who will take care tomorrow early in the morning (in case this will not affect the experiment today).


Attachment 1: IMG_20240509_105827_MP.jpg  6.511 MB  Uploaded 09 May 2024, 15:31  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: IMG_20240509_105859_MP.jpg  5.316 MB  Uploaded 09 May 2024, 15:31  | Hide | Hide all
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