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Message ID: 38     Entry time: 29 Sep 2022, 19:25
Author: Orkidia Bilani 
Location: XHEXP 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Joint Cleantent 

Mr. Ch. Grüner from "Spetec" came to discuss about the build up of the joint clean tent in the Exp.Hall.

He proposed not to use R+K profiles, but their own, since the R+K profiles do not provide a good stability of the cleanroom modules.

We have most of the filter units, so we do not neccessary need to buy all of them (save money).

The instruments will inform about the last filter change (actually is a yearly procedure).

The crane position for the SCS part of the clean tent can be changed (we got confirmation from J-T.Delitz).

In case it will be granted to build the cleantent from "Spetec", we agreed to have only one expert from "Spetec" to build it up, instead of four (saving money), since the entire XHCrew (O.Bilani, S.Menzel, M.Lüdeke)  will work on it.

The time scale is 2-3 weeks to complete the whole mounting and the Inbetriebnahme.

On 30.09 we will go to XHE1 to see the type of the filter units and give this information further to Mr. Ch.Grüner.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00