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  XHCrew logbook  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 318     Entry time: 06 Jun 2023, 20:52
Author: Orkidia Bilani 
Location: XHEXP 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Shift report 

SPB/SFX:  gave to XHCrew (more or less sorted out) various screws and Gewindestifte (pic. 1). Sorted them out in boxes and placed in the cabinet (pic.2, pic.3).

SQS:        I gave back the Rollwagen (placed it by the door near the control hutch).

SCS:        Needs our support by next week. The plan "when will happen what and who is needed when" will be sent soon by Jan Torben.

TS:          The elevator near the LKW Schleuse seemed to have some real troubles. A Redmine Ticket already sent to TS bzw. Süleyman.




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