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Message ID: 305     Entry time: 23 May 2023, 21:41
Author: Orkidia Bilani 
Location: XHEXP 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Day and Evening Report 

SQS: The chiller at SQS is running very hot, currently at 21:35 is by 36.3°C. A ventilator is nonstop trying to "cool down". No one from SQS now present (see pics 1 and 2)

SCS: L.Adriano wants to bring a  Werkzeugschrank and a Rollwagen (inkl. the box with liquid gases and accessories/supplies) into the shaft building. Transport on Tuesday at around 13:00. He also mentioned that he has 1-2 cabinets, to give us, but needs to check first where they are

            (see pic 3)

MID: They will dismount the clean tent located near their hutch (close to the yellow beam pipes). Sascha will support with craning on 24.05.2023 at ca. 13:00. Also they will remove/dispose non usable things from the hall. (see pics 4 and 5)

ITDM: The waste of the IBM computers u.ä. was disposed.

Consumables: The grey box is completely finished, :-) . Sascha please name them (I placed already the yellow sticky note to the drawer nr.4). Sorting out is almost at the end.


Attachment 1: IMG_20230523_213646_MP.jpg  3.084 MB  Uploaded 24 May 2023, 08:30  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: IMG_20230523_213659_MP.jpg  1.507 MB  Uploaded 24 May 2023, 08:31  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 3: IMG_20230523_213359_MP.jpg  4.298 MB  Uploaded 24 May 2023, 08:31  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 4: IMG_20230523_213440_MP.jpg  4.507 MB  Uploaded 24 May 2023, 08:32  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 5: IMG_20230523_213449_MP.jpg  3.965 MB  Uploaded 24 May 2023, 08:32  | Hide | Hide all
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