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  XHCrew logbook  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 175     Entry time: 09 Feb 2023, 15:02
Author: Orkidia Bilani 
Location: XHEXP 
Severity: Information 
Subject: XHE1 Organization 

Went with Lorenz to XHE1 and discussed the structuring of XHE1 and the future Lagerhalle in Ütersen. The few empty boxes of the instruments as well as parts/materials which will not be used within 1 year by the instruments, will be placed in the new Lagerhalle in Ütersen.

Waste and unknown stuff in XHE1, which is there before XHCrew time will be sorted out by TS.

In the still Außerlager near Campus recently there is one Werkzeugschrank dazu gekommen. This we will take on Tusday, 14.02 for the Storage Center of Consumables under XHCrew hutch.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00