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Message ID: 123     Entry time: 02 Jan 2023, 09:14
Author: Orkidia Bilani 
Location: XHEXP 
Severity: Information 
Subject: MID pump on the exp. hutch roof 

On the roof of the MID exp. hutch one of the pumps is making  strange loud noises (laut zischen). The display is off, same as the other pump close to that (which is switched off).

Contacted/called Andreas Schmidt, he assumed that, that is not good with the pump, but cannot solve the problem because he is in home office today and directed me to A.Bartmann.

Tried to reach A. Bartmann, without success (for the moment).

-----10:15----: Reached A. Bartmann, problem solved. Er hat die Stickstoffleitung ausgestellt.


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