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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 99     Entry time: 26 Feb 2020, 09:06
Author: Andreas Galler 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: notes Dispatch meeting Feb 24 2020 


  • nothing to report


  • not present due to group retreat


  • Mono done, no severe issues from commissioning weekend


  • not present


  • SQS pnCCD cables have been installed, waiting for crate to connect


  • two minor OCD call and one regarding AGIPD
    • SPB not aware that no support was scheduled for AGIPD



  • piezo karabo device and firmware in HED mono need to be checked for compatibility


  • 2 calls
    • derver down and restarted
    • data aggregator down and restarted
  • new RunConfig delpoyed at FXE


  • jupyterhub @SCS showing performance issues --> investigated by DA


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00