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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 81     Entry time: 21 Aug 2019, 11:15
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 21.08.19  


  • A review of the procedures in case of power failure is in progress. Thanks to everybody for the efforts during the last days.


  • Remote control of the radiation shutter dows not work. IP of the new computer is needed. Will be solved offline between FXE, CAS and ITDM. ==> Done for FXE. Small issues being fixed for MID.



  • Support from EEE is needed to make sure motors needed for the user experiments in 2 weeks are actually working (e.g. Elmo). ==> fine tuning of the support plan will be made between SCS and EEE.



  • DPS turbo pump issue. A software workaround exists. The problem is that the used controller has not been commissioned firmwarewise before. This is not a showstopper and wil be addressed later. ==> The cabling is done differently. EEE is testing the device + firmware. ==> Ongoing


  • The smaract stages with the current firmware can be either driven fast or precise. EEE will discuss with the isntruments involved how to modify the stages implementation to be able to have both options available.

Optical lasers



  • There was an issue with a drift of the HED mirror. As a consequence, VAC and XRO have switched of the mirror cooling. HED and MID should report about the change of the situation. ==> still exchange of information needed. ==> Measurements from MID have been received. HED will do the same. Investigation of the problem will happen next week (shutdown)



  • Calibration database haes been migrated. If problems are experienced please send a ticket to DET.


  • Loop updates in the tunnels and instruments being scheduled together with the involved groups.


  • 2.6.1. being prepared.  Deployment plan is still valid.





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