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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 80     Entry time: 19 Aug 2019, 11:11
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Report after dispatch meeting 09.30 


  • Still recovering from the power loss occured on Saturday (The primary line was affected). In the hall the power was down for about 30 minutes, while in the tunnels it seems it was only a glitch.
  • It is clear that it was a major system failure. Optimization of procedures and responsibility will be discussed within the DOD.


  • Issues with the acquisition of images fromt he Jungfrau detector with the last version of Karabo. DET to follow it up offline.
  • There are concerns about the replacement of the simple motor with the MC2 library, in particular about whether all functionalities will still be available (e.g. step-up/down). According to EEE this should be okay. CAS has already release the new library for testing. ==> will be done in thw WS for FXE, later for th tunnels and the other instruments.
  • Remote control of the radiation shutter dows not work. IP of the new computer is needed. Will be solved offline between FXE, CAS and ITDM.


  • Hexapods are being integrated. ==> This was rescheduled due to the issues with hexapods at HED and MID. Currently, there is no dire need to integrate the SPB/SFX hexapod, it can be run from TwinCAT. ==> postponed.


  • Support from EEE is needed to make sure motors needed for the user experiments in 2 weeks are actually working (e.g. Elmo).
  • If issues with the pulse IDs occur, AS, PG and BF are to be contacted (part of the trigger board)



  • DPS turbo pump issue. A software workaround exists. The problem is that the used controller has not been commissioned firmwarewise before. This is not a showstopper and wil be addressed later. ==> The cabling is done differently. EEE is testing the device + firmware. ==> Ongoing
  • Vacuum interlock worked fine following the power failure.
  • Recovering from the power failure. Definition of check list in progress.


  • Recovering of Loop 9 is ongoing (motors fpor Mono1 and 2). EEE is supporting.
  • Jungfrau has been fully recovered. Epix in progress.

Optical lasers



  • There was an issue with a drift of the HED mirror. As a consequence, VAC and XRO have switched of the mirror cooling. HED and MID should report about the change of the situation. ==> still exchange of information needed.



  • In general, it seems that no major issues occured after the power loss. 
  • In FXE the power supply and the chiller for the LPD are connected on different power lines and this lead to the fact that, after the power came back, the power supply was back on while the chiller was off. This should be avoided anc hecked by the instruments.



  • 2.6.0. being prepared. ==> Sneak peak was deployed in SPB/SFX. Actual deployment datas can be found in the Shutdown planing, will be discussed in the chapters and with the SASE responsibles. ==> tests with ITDM being planned.





ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00