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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 8     Entry time: 15 Feb 2019, 12:14
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Report after dispatch meeting 09.00 


  • SPB requires the new trigger solution to be implemented for AGIPD. This is urgent and should be done before the next run. SHauf has to check in the DET group whether this can be pushed also wil Jola coming back only next week. ==> done and seems to work
  • Commissioning with beam (e.g. focus characterization) planned for the next days.


  • Issue with the one picomotor of the monochromator which does not move as far ae expected. (Similar issue we had in MID? To be checked). Benoit Rio is following the issue up.





  • Technical commissioning of CRL and imagers ongoing - no specific issues.
  • MIddle layer tests will be performed by CAS (CY)
  • Agipd cannot be used still due to cooling system problems.
  • MIL Loop9 is running 


OPT Lasers





  • Timing server has to be updated again on MOnday 18.02. at 9:00. Mail has been sent already to with the details
  • No feedback concerning the additional B4C controls in SASE3. HS ans MD have to come back to PG


  • Issue with the DAQ was discovered (cameras/digitizers): problems occur when more than 1 camera is using the same data aggregator. Investigation and fix is ongoing. DAQ will need to be re deployed only for these aggregators between today and tomorrow. Tunnels and instruments affected. AGIPD is not affected.  ==> solved




  • CAS will not deploy devices during the WE on OCD that have not been tested and technically commissioned before.
  • ISAC power supplies: to switch them on and off, an additional piece of circuitry is needed to generate a specifi signal. 2 solution actually esist and it it the wish from CY to avoid using multiple solutions. PG agrees and will look into that. The understanding of CAS and AE will be aligned. 


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00