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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 79     Entry time: 14 Aug 2019, 10:01
Author: Gerd Wellenreuther 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 14.08.2019 


  • On Monday at around 12:20 there was a power glitch at least in Hamburg, affecting the machine.
  • In this cause, the startup was delayed due to a missing signal from the Vacuum EPS-MPS-interface. The signal had to be manually enabled again.
  • Tuning is estimated to take until 14:00 today.
  • In the wake of such events a lot of communication about the machine status is happening. In the future, XO will ensure the readiness mailing list will be updated, too. In this respect, P. Gessler suggested to rethink / rename the multitude of mailing lists inherited from the construction phase.


  • There are concerns about the replacement of the simple motor with the MC2 library, in particular about whether all functionalities will still be available (e.g. step-up/down). According to EEE this should be okay. CAS has already release the new library for testing.


  • Hexapods are being integrated. ==> This was rescheduled due to the issues with hexapods at HED and MID. Currently, there is no dire need to integrate the SPB/SFX hexapod, it can be run from TwinCAT.


  • There is an issue with the main sample stage. SCS and SEC are working on it, will continue with commissioning the instrument.


  • Loop 14 will be updated today.


  • DPS turbo pump issue. A software workaround exists. The problem is that the used controller has not been commissioned firmwarewise before. This is not a showstopper and wil be addressed later. ==> The cabling is done differently. EEE is testing the device + firmware.


  • Loop 13 has been commissioned.

Optical lasers



  • There was an issue with a drift of the HED mirror. As a consequence, VAC and XRO have switched of the mirror cooling. HED and MID should report about the change of the situation.


  • During an intervention in XTD1 the LED for the Self-Seeding setup was replaced.




  • 2.6.0. being prepared. ==> Sneak peak was deployed in SPB/SFX. Actual deployment datas can be found in the Shutdown planing, will be discussed in the chapters and with the SASE responsibles.



  • The primary door of the HED experiment is currently not guarded with a magnet against incidential opening of the door leading to a trip of the machine. KWitt has to redo some cabling, until then, users can set the laser interlock, which will engage the magnet.


  • Controller for the hexapod is currently in the MID control room. UBrueggmann should check the installation.


  • Please check the shutdown planning
  • No dispatch meeting on Friday.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00