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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 7     Entry time: 13 Feb 2019, 10:59
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 13.02.19  


  • CSS component commissioning. RBean is discussing with AE. Concept and implementation being finalized.
  • Loop 14 (Jungfrau) is needed for next week to start the commissioning. IT Cables have been accepted after new measurements. Loop can be switched on.
  • Issue about parallel operation of the 3 Jungfrau modules. Being addressed (DET)
  • CRL implementation in the hutch will happen in April. AE and EET involved. Safety concept for the handling of Berlillium lenses has been finalized.


  • FXE is working with the SPB spare beam stop (new concept). XRO is in parallel preparing another beamstop for FXE to comply with the new safety standards. SPB needs to get the beamstop back in April.


  • The chain digitizers-triggers-software is being commissioned to allow online analysis. AE, CAS required and involved.==> Specific issues being addressed.
  • exhaust line for explosive gases has not been tested so far and no information is available to SQS. Urgent. SRP should comment.==> MMeyer is following up the issue. - NO update.


  • PLCs have been all installed. Firmware deployment has to be pushed. AE is on it.==> Ongoing and high priority. 
  • Commissioning (Smaract/microscope chamber) ongoing.
  • Detector group is working on the fastCCD. Cooling rod has been installed. Cooling is stable. According to DET should be OK.
  • Pulses for SASE3 has been delayed, but it will be no issue for the FastCCD.


  • Issue with the remote control of the ion pumps. It is not possible to switch on and off the pumps remotely due to the fact that a wrong terminal was used . It seems this was also the same issue in SASE1 and 3. AE and EET are on it to fix it and update the doucumentation. ==> AE needs to perform a test at MID before deploying the solution. Since there are other priorities now the test has not happened yet.
  • An automatic chain of communicaton is needed (TS?) to notify relevant peopole when the power is down. ==> UBr will follow up the automatic notification setup.
  • Issue with the silicon oil leaks. Even though the system was testes with LN2 up to 5 bar. For now it is not  a showstopper but it needs to be addressed.


  • Si bounce monochromators - Chiller leaks. Will be repaired in the next shutdown.
  • hirex mono water connections will be reworked in March.
  • Leak in the cooling unit of the racks in A.27 was repaired on site. (TS+External company)


OPT Lasers


  • In SASE3 additional safety shutters issue: Hardware will be ready by middle of Feb. On the 24 and 25. the installation and the modification of the EPS loop should take place if D3, SRP agree on the change request proposed by HS and MD. ==> Still no official decision from D3 and SRP. AE would like to get as many info as possible in advance to start preparing the loop update. According to MDommach NJardon is supposed to be already in the loop.
  • M2 in SASE3 is commissioned and being fine tuned by the instruments.
  • There was a DAQ issue concerning the reading of imagers. Should be solved accordina to ITDM, has to be checked and confirmed by XRO.
  • CAS is fixing some issue on the middle layer for the slit gap controls.




  • Jungrfau control issues being addressed
  • SPB requires the new trigger solution to be implemented for AGIPD. This is urgent and should be done before the next run. SHauf has to check in the DET group whether this can be pushed also wil Jola coming back only next week.


  • DESY reboot  of the timing system: small issue with SPB and XRD. Solved.


  • Storage and logbooks are planned to be divided per week (different buckets for different weeks). It has to be discussed whether it makes sense to try to mergen some of them (e.g. instrument commisioning?). Has to be discussed with the instruments.





ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00