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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 68     Entry time: 17 Jul 2019, 10:05
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 17.07.19  




  • 2 screens require the intervention of EEE today. Being agreed offline.




  • XRO will agree with MID which functionalities of the attenuators in XTD1 have to be tested. 'to do list' will be issued. XRO will put the results in the operation logbook. If XRO will not make it to test everything, MID will be informed and will help. ==> Ongoing
  • M2 bender: motor issue. HSinn is following it up.
  • By the end of the week MID should send the requirements for the vacuum interlock to EEE. ==> tests are ongoing. AS will organize a meeting with CAS, VAC and EEE to define a test procedure to be followed by the instruments when testing the vacuum interlocks.


  • Lase is fully integrated in Karabo now.
  • Yesterday the loop 6 was updated. There were issue with pumps switching off and causing overhead for HED. PG will investigate why this happened...

Optical lasers

  • SA1 PP laser: the damage is worst than expected. More info to come.



  • M1 in SASE2 and 1 will be commissioned this week end. New positions will be found and written diwn in the logbook. Difference of some mm with respect to the old positions is expected.





  • Karabo 2.5.1. hotfix is being prepared (Fixing 2 bugs in the framework and several GUI issues).
  • Tomorrow at 14:00 there will be a test of the pulse on demand feature (conditional triggers) in FXE. (AS/BF)





  • People are reminded to send XO/PM the shutdown activities by the 2.08.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00