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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 63     Entry time: 03 Jul 2019, 10:18
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 03.07.19  


  • In SASE3 the apertures of the GATT have to be realigned. The upstream apertures have been alreadz realigned. The downstream ones will be probablz realigned tomorrow. If not succesfull some restrictions of the operation have to be evaluated.


  • Loops update has to be coordinated between EEE and FXE. No feedback received from EEE. AG will remind TKorsh. 


  • Loop updates continue.
  • Loop 8 will be commissioned on monday with EEE.



  • Aerosol will be commissioned next week. EEE waiting for the precise dates.



  • Suffered overhead due to the power cut occured on Monday.

Optical lasers


  • All XTDs apart from XTD 6 and 9 will be closed on Monday
  • XTD6/9 will be stay opened until Tuesday. Confirmation will be given during the dispatch meeting on Monday.
  • XTD1,2 ready for beam formt he VAC point of view
  • XTD6 -  mono works ongoing.
  • XTD9 -  Maybe worls planned by FXE on the gratings. To be double checked whether it is feasible.





  • Electrical safety regulation. From the beginning of July the new electrical safety regulation is supposed to be in place. According to this regulation the work at the back of the racks in the XHEXP1 and in the entire racks in the tunnels can only be done by certified EFK (Elektrofachkraefte) or by EUPs with an additional training. The additional training can only be provided after summer. The nomination of XFEL EFKs is suffering a delay due to the fact that is not clear who should nominate them (TS, UBR, HR?).  PG reported the problem and also the fact that no official statements were made in the past concerning the topic. THaas is trying to clarify the status, and come up with a statement and proposal in the Operations meeting. ==> there was no meeting on Friday. Still pending.



  • Additional CAT connections planned for SQS, FXE, SCS were installed and approved by ITDM.
  • During the maiinenance of the cooling water system the doors of the balcony rooms and racks were left open to cool down the electronics. Although in the past that worked, it is no longer the case. ITDM will discuss with MKK2 how to make the cooling of the balcony rooms more efficient during planned mainenance of the cooling water system or in case of emergency.




On Monday Torsten Schoen informed AV that the power went off in MID and HED experiment hutch because of the radiation interlock test. This was due to the fact that according to the original plan (circulated and approved at the beginning of May), the SASE1 test was supposed to happen on Monday and the SASE2 test the day after. On monday, SASE1 system was accordingly bridged to avoid issues with the power. A last minute change in the plan was agreed between MID and MPS but the info unfortunately did not reach Torsten, hence the issue. Also, nobody from SRP, D3, HED was timely informed. 

There was obviously a lack of communication that has to be improved. AV will write a report and circulate it to the involved people for review and provide it to the MB.


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00