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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 60     Entry time: 26 Jun 2019, 10:22
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 26.06.19  


From now on A. Galler will join the technical integration meeting. Therefore the XO field has been added. 



  • Detectors has been moved in the new position. MOV tests have been done. Today the detector modules will be swapped.
  • EEE started the deployment of the updated Loop4 which now supports the MC2 motors. 
  • Loop 5 has been updated yesterday.



  • AVC3000 leak controller from Pfeiffer. EEE will release the controls today. ==> Ongoing.


  • Integration of the LDM: next steps of the risk assessment: SRP is reviewing it, AMadsen has to sign it, then JHallman will call for a meeting with tin involved parties (e.g. EEE) for the implementation.
  • Quadrant motion system test revealed some issue with the cables shielding. Issue is being tackled.


  • Loop 11 being set up by EEE. Start Today or tomorrow.
  • Loop8 commissioning ongoing.

Optical lasers


  • Requested to see the first pump + valve of SPB/SFX ==> definitions still needed by EEE == Ongoing.


  • M1  in XTD6 is closed and pumped (10^-7 mbar range).  
  • XTD2 SA1 M1n closed and pumping. Leak test next week.
  • Self seeding mono in XTD1 is now closed and pumping but the vacuum level is not yet satisfactory.
  • After the last Karabo restart some devices are not working and this should be fixed before the end of the shutdown. Robert is the contact person in CAS and will follow the issue up.
  • CRL in XTD2 maintenance has been completed.




  • The timing uTCA will be switched off on the 24.06 between 9 am and 5 pm. ==> there are some issues with different versions of power supplies. EEE on it.
  • Electrical safety regulation. From the beginning of July the new electrical safety regulation is supposed to be in place. According to this regulation the work at the back of the racks in the XHEXP1 and in the entire racks in the tunnels can only be done by certified EFK (Elektrofachkraefte) or by EUPs with an additional training. The additional training can only be provided after summer. The nomination of XFEL EFKs is suffering a delay due to the fact that is not clear who should nominate them (TS, UBR, HR?).  PG reported the problem and also the fact that no official statements were made in the past concerning the topic. THaas is trying to clarify the status, and come up with a statement and proposal in the Operations meeting.


  • Release cycle for the next Karabo version in progress.


  • At 10 today the doors of the balcony rooms and racks will be opened due to short interruptions (20 minutes per tunnel) of the cooling water from DESY. This should not cause any issues. If the pomps intervention will require more time, the ITDM racks will be switched off. 


  • From SBP/SFX: Currently, it is not clear what to do if one of the Pandoras goes off. This apparently happened @ FXE on the night from Sat.-Sunday, and it took 12 hours to fix it. Update from SRP: Occasionally Pandoras trigger radiation alarms. It is not clear why. One possibility is that this is caused by electronic noise. Discussions with D3 are ongoing. Right now an expert is needed to reboot the system since it is not a simple off/on procedure, but data has to be analysed. There is a a document in preparation by SRP/D3 that will allow more people to be able to perform this procedure, but it is not ready yet. A side note is that there is no OCD agreement in place for these experts and the reboot is done on the best effort level. ==> Z.Ansari will be also able soon to reboot the system. ==> The issue will eventually be put up for discussion in the operation board. Statement from SRP is that there are nnot enough people to ensure an OCD service.
  • Racks in HED outside the rackroom. They are too high and the top cannot be reached. SRP/JE/SRP will follow the issue up. ==> A solution has been found: TS will modify the existing movable stairs.



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