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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 59     Entry time: 24 Jun 2019, 09:53
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status report after dispatch meeting 09.30 


  • CRLs mainteinance has been completed.


  • Some power sockets are not active. NReimers will contact TS.
  • Detectors has been moved in the new position. MOV tests have started. Tomorrow detector modules will be swapped.



  • Some Harting connectors have been plugged in the modules. TB will make sure NRennhack informed JEilers. 1 beckhoff module has still to be modified (according to a CR not yet implemented)
  • Some labels are not correct. NR is discussing with EEE
  • AVC3000 leak controller from Pfeiffer. EEE will release the controls today.
  • Vacuum interlocks. BB is working on it this week.


  • Schutdown activities basically on schedule
  • Bias system tests have been done
  • This week R. Schaffer and J.Hallmann will work on the ALAS
  • Quadrant motion system test will start this week. ASilenzi is the product owner.
  • For next week vacuum interlock tests are foreseen


  • It is not clear whether the tunnels are accessible or not. They should not be accessible. SK asks SRP and AGaller.
  • This week cooling system works for the M2 are being executed. Hi res mono will follow.

Optical lasers



  • M1  in XTD6 is closed and pumped (10^-7 mbar range). How to proceed with the second mirror is being discussed 
  • XTD2 SA1 M1n works have been initiated. Now stopped because of the interlock tests. Will resume next WE.
  • Self seeding mono in XTD1 is now closed and pumping but the vacuum level is not satisfactory.
  • After the last Karabo restart some devices are not working and this should be fixed before the end of the shutdown. Robert is the contact person in CAS and will follow the issue up.




  • Timing will not be available due to maintenance until 5pm, as announced last week.


  • Tests of Karabo 2.5.0. are ongoing (integration PLC/DAQ). 


  • AoB
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00