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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 56     Entry time: 19 Jun 2019, 10:55
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 19.06.19  



  • No major issues
  • Starting from the end of this week to the beginning of next week the hutch will not be accessible because of works on the AGIPD.


  • No big issues



  • Integration of the LDM: Risk assessment has been finalized and uploaded in the IPW system. Next steps: SRP will review it and forward it to A.Madsen for the signature. PGessler is in the loop. JHallmann will call for a meeting with all the parties involved (e.g. EEE) in the implementation once the risk assessment has been signed by AM.


  • Due to missing endswitches / interlock conditions, some YAG-screens have been burnt. HED would like to try to get this fixed in the tunnels and the hutches still in this shutdown by installing endswitches etc., to be negotiated with EEE ==> Software limit switches can be implemented already next week if the definitions are delivered to EEE by the end of this week. ==> definitions still missing.
  • Loop 11 being set up by EEE

Optical lasers

  • SASE1 timing system will be updated today.


  • Requested to see the first pump + valve of SPB/SFX ==> definitions still needed by EEE


  • Installation of the cooling system for the M1 mirror in SASE2 has been completed.
  • SASE1 XTD2 M1 being addressed now. 




  • The timing uTCA will be switched off on the 24.06 between 9 am and 5 pm. No train ID and timing wil be available.


  • Release cycle for the next Karabo version in progress.


  • New version of the Jddd should be used. Details will be forwarded to the readiness mailing list as soon as available.


  • From SBP/SFX: Currently, it is not clear what to do if one of the Pandoras goes off. This apparently happened @ FXE on the night from Sat.-Sunday, and it took 12 hours to fix it. Update from SRP: Occasionally Pandoras trigger radiation alarms. It is not clear why. One possibility is that this is caused by electronic noise. Discussions with D3 are ongoing. Right now an expert is needed to reboot the system since it is not a simple off/on procedure, but data has to be analysed. There is a a document in preparation by SRP/D3 that will allow more people to be able to perform this procedure, but it is not ready yet. A side note is that there is no OCD agreement in place for these experts and the reboot is done on the best effort level. ==> Z.Ansari will be also able soon to reboot the system. No additioanl news.
  • Test panel to test the different alarms will be mounted in the hall soon.
  • After the safety walk in SPB/SFX some issues have been found (e.g. concerning the Biolab, Rackroom) and forwarded to A. Mancuso. SRP and AMancuso will follow the issues up.
  • Racks in HED outside the rackroom. They are too high and the top cannot be reached. SRP/JE/SRP will follow the issue up.



ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00