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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 554     Entry time: 07 Oct 2024, 09:54
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 07.10.2024 
General Announcement:
- A. Galler informs a power glitch happened today at around 07:40AM, however machine was unaffected. Please check your systems. 

- Tomorrow an update of DOOCS mirror in tunnels for the Karabo devices accessing DOOCS will happen. E-mail to be sent.
- IT colleagues together with CTRL will access one HOST at tunnels to exchange manually a battery. Only a single HOST is affected with downtime for few cameras.
- Deployment of authentication services to start at 9AM tomorrow: GUI to be restarted. 

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Problems with GPFS migration happening the weekend: workaround could solve it. Hardware replacement has to be done in future, pending confirmation. An e-mail to xo-info will be sent.

- Message from SCS to look into drift status of mirror today (not an emergency).

- Not present.
- A. Galler reports on behalf of LAS that an spurious signal from SQS is being looked by LAS and EEE; to be further investigation. A watchdog is to be implemented.

- Last Tuesday an OCD call with problem with Phase shifter: fixed by ZZ. Other calls (e.g. Apple-X controls) were solved remotely.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.
- Issue with Laser shutter on Saturday: beamtime was not affected. 
Pouneh S. says an e-mail from Chris M. came for a meeting on Wednesday 11AM to discuss issue and technical solutions with interlock and shutter.

- Nothing to report.

- Affected by Maxwell transfer but workaround helped.
- Happy with machine performance.

- Successful beamtime.
- Change of setup for the next days.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00