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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 52     Entry time: 07 Jun 2019, 11:53
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Report after dispatch meeting 09.00 



  • few days of beamtime remaining, no particular issues
  • preparing for emergency power off
  • preparing shutdown activities with EEE


  • XGM (VAC part) is supposed to run even despite the emergency power off ==> M. Teichmann is in contact with T. Schoen (TS)


  • preparing for shutdown, in particular some cabling together with EEE. Ongoing.


  • Integration of the LDM: Safety document is needed. ==> This is needed ASAP!!! ==> SRP is informed and JH will follow the issue up.


  • Due to missing endswitches / interlock conditions, some YAG-screens have been burnt. HED would like to try to get this fixed in the tunnels and the hutches still in this shutdown by installing endswitches etc., to be negotiated with EEE ==> Only softwere limit switches can be implemented. EEE will follow it up.
  • The bias tee used by HED are not being supplied any more, new ones are not performing ==> to be checked with other instruments / EEE, Sato-san was suggested as another expert to ask.

Optical lasers


  • Requested to see the first pump + valve of SPB/SFX ==> to be clarified by VAC, SPB/SFX + EEE ==> The VAC OK signal has to be used as interlock signal. EEE on it.





  • Improvement of the communication concering loop updates with the XRO has to be achieved. The idea is to approach the problem in 2 stages. In the first stage a time table with the loops update will be distributed by EEE and agreed with the component responsibles. Due to that, the responsibles have to be clarified. The GLs have been already informed. In the second stage EEE will try to automate the notification system when an update is required.


  • 2.5.0 being developed. 



  • From SBP/SFX: Currently, it is not clear what to do if one of the Pandoras goes off. This apparently happened @ FXE on the night from Sat.-Sunday, and it took 12 hours to fix it.


  • From CAS: TS should not rely on email alerts to monitor the cooling of the servers running for example the email services...


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00