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  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 5     Entry time: 08 Feb 2019, 10:42
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Report after dispatch meeting 09.00 


  • IT cables in D.23 were re-measured yesterday. Waiting for the measurements. PSPO pushes the company.



  • Mpods handover took place. Need to be cabled up on Monday and then configuration can follow (CY).
  • Trigger issue would require AE. TB will check first whether the HW is ok...
  • New uTCA crate with more digitizers has been installed (ITDM/CAS/AE). Tests are ongoing now. (e.g. how many digizizers can be used in parallel). Ok so far.
  • Interlock acting on the MPS interface have been tested but are inactive. Should be activated. Meeting TB/NJ/HS to clarify that. ==> Meeting took place but the interlock are not yet active. Should happen next week.




  • Problems with the HV ion pump cables in the HED optics. Many of the cables failed the final test and showed sparks. KS, EET are in contact with Fa. Schulz to solve that. It is not clear whether this is a showstopper or the pumps could be operated locally.

OPT Lasers





  • MPS/ trigger box required by hiBEF issue is being clarified by ZA. AE did not get any request in advance.==> There was a meeting to clairy the issue. Many open points have to be clarified by HED/hibef. The box seems anyway not to be useful...
  • MCP motor in SA1 and 3 does not retract when the limit switch is hit. The update can be done during the next short shutdown. For now, the AE OCD knows the issue and knows how to act on the motors if an issue occurs.
  • Ion pumps remote ON/OFF control: AE is performing some test to see whether once could drive the pumps via serial port w/o updating the loops. Interlocks do not switch the pumps off, it is rather the opposite (no problem in using serial communication then). Once AE finalizes the solution, the IP address of the devices and support will be given to CAS to set up the controls.





  • Yesterday OCD was called by JG because of some problems with the data sources. This was found to be a configuration problem. Going to be fixed today.
  • CRL in XTD1 2 lenses are disconnected. They do not nmeed to be included in the Karabo scene.



ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00