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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 47     Entry time: 24 May 2019, 11:01
Author: Gerd Wellenreuther 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status report after dispatch meeting Friday 24.5. 09.00 


  • are working on achieving a good focus @ 6 keV, which currently is not as good as expected. ==> This is understood now, those were higher harmonics, too many absorbers in the beam. Absorber still shows some structure, though
  • Digitizers are ready, have been tested by CAS ==> to be be installed / integrated probably next week ==> according to Adrian probably Monday, to be confirmed with AE (Bruno + Hamed)
  • Different GUIs were reporting varying values for STATUS on different clients / machines ==> ARound will make sure a proper description of the issue (which machines, which clients, when, ...) will be brought to the attention of the proper people @ CAS. ==> CAS is aware.
  • Data from motor + camera was taken to correlate motion data. ==> still has to be understood with help of DET and ITDM.
  • AGIPD quadrant motion is needed in summer in order to align the detector in order to record data at low scattering angles / closely around the beam center. ==> is scheduled for summer shutdown




  • First light was seen on the DSSC!


  • AGIPD control server is dead ==> to be replaced by a spare by ITDM / Janusz


OPT Lasers





  • pnCCD integration is progressing at SQS, testing taking data with the DAQ.
  • MID-chiller issue: chiller will return in next week.
  • Increasing amount of problems and sufferings due to unreliability of gitlab





  • OCD-call regarding device communication: The polling-intervall epsilon was set too small, such that the client became flooded and turned unresponsive.




  • Shutdown planning now includes MKK, which includes some activities concerning cooling water. Please check, email was sent to readiness.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00