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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 44     Entry time: 17 May 2019, 10:47
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status report after dispatch meeting 09.00 


  • ADC have been requested. HW should be already installed (SPB to check). BF will discuss with SPB how to proceed.


  • LPD is running.


  • MPODS power supplies are behaving strangely (1 channel trips, but the power supply does not send any error message). CY following it up but the priority is now with the DSSC (working on powering sequence. To be then adopted later also for other detectors.
  • The pnCCD is being set up. AE will be required to help for axes commisisoning next week.Some issues with electronics to read data have been solved. Tests to understand the reasons of the issues are being performed by AE.



  • Setting up next weeks experiments. Some equipment that the users are bringing have to be integrated. This may couse some delays.
  • 2 crates for the remote contro of vacuum compoennts are required to run in the intrument. CY wants to be present. There are difficulties finding a suitable time slot both for MS and CY. To be addressed offline.==> done, interlock tests have to be scheduled by MID.


  • Epix card died. Workaround using some MID infrastructure has been proposed. Risks will be presented by HED ( Sebastian Goede) to MID and a decision has to be taken by the group leaders.

OPT Lasers






  • Updated pipeline in SPB has been updated yesterday. Seems to work. MID probably will be updated today. Has to be discussed offline with ITDM.



  • DSSC DAQ was basically not commissioned due to lack of time (although scheduled). Now the detector cannot be oprated. More time has to be scheduled for DAQ commissioning. Meanwhile test on the VETO system are being performed. This would help to save much less data (200 images/train with VETO instead of 800 images/train).






ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00