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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 41     Entry time: 10 May 2019, 10:52
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Report after dispatch meeting 09.00 


  • IRDa commissioning successful. A. Mancuso thanked all the people involved in the project. 
  • The gear ratio of the CSS is unclear but this was already known and discussed with SPB/SFX
  • Mirrors motors had some issues (ELMO motors), they are already been fixed.
  • Adam and Alexis are discussing internally when the next loops will be needed. The info goes then to AE.
  • NReimers will take care of asking TSchön for temporary power lines for the vaccum pumps during the MPS tests in the summer shutdown.



  • MPODS power supplies are behaving strangely. Almost fixed by CY.
  • The pnCCD is supposed to be used next week. SQS want to use channels dedicate to other components and work out a temporary solution. AE requested the list of channels to be used but no answer has been received so far. Also, proper CRDs to start preparing the propoer implementation of the controls is still missing.==> info still missing. AV will ask TBaumann again. Also the DAQ for the pnCCD is not prepared at all.


  • Part of the uTCA system will need to be installed in the hutch (it was planned for the rackroom). Discussion channel is open with AE.


  • Nano motors require fw updates. Being agreed with AE, but with low priority.
  • Today there will be a meeting for the implementation of the AGIPD quadrant motion
  • Karabo integration of the SDL: kick off meeting took place yesterday between CAS and MID. - The migration of equipment listed in point 5 to Karabo 2.4.x should be completed by end of first week of summer shutdown (KW24) by CAS. MID should then validate the resulting system performance. Prototypes of the middle layer devices will be prepared by CAS while the component is not here. SDL is expected to be delivered in November. Cables and electronics should also be installed in November (WS)


  • Smaract stages will be commisisoned today. MS support needed.
  • Loop 6 VAC modules will be connected to the loops in 2 weeks. For now the controls remain local.

OPT Lasers

  • Laser beam has to be deivered to SCS in 2 weeks. Fw has to be uploaded in the PLCs. AE got the fw export and should upload it by friday this week. ==> Loops should be started on monday.


  •  HED had radiation damages on the Mono1 cristals.  REasons are being investigated. One possibility is the accidental focus of the beam on the cristal. There is usually a macro to avoid that but it was foung not working by MV. To be checked.
  • Guesthouse civil contruction is starting soon and MV is in contact with TS concerning vibrations in the tunnels. 






  • Test for DSSC DAQ started yesterday.



  • Karabo 2.4.1. improves the pipieline stability. The deployment is strongly suggested to MID and SPB. ==> Deployment schedule for next week monday.
  • Krzysztof, Steffen and Hugo aligned and  concluded that 2.4.1 is backwards compatible with 2.4.0 deployed already on the PCL (DAQ) machines. This setup is, indeed, already running on FXE since 29.04 (Monday).




ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00