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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 403     Entry time: 15 Mar 2023, 10:49
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 15.03.2023 
General Announcement:
- Tobias Clever informs on electrical works needed to connect XHO to electrical grid:
1. A new transformer will be connected to the new building on 03.April (a small chance of error can produce a minor power glitch as the ones frequently seen by Desy power glitches - usually this events 
have not affected us in the past 2 years. 
2. Second work on 11.04: test of auxiliary conditions that were installed in December; it will be connected for the first time and a chance that a power glitch could happen affecting more XFEL premises 
(only affecting general power supply - all devices connected to secure or redundant power supply will not be affected). 
There is only a small risk and is necessary to run XHO with power. 
This is scheduled in a blue week and last similar event was in 2021 when cryo went down and XFEL systems were not severally affected, so it shall be contained event. An e-mail will be sent to xo-info list. 
P. Gessler raises the concern that this is a blue week.
- Tobias Clever says that for chillers ordered by instruments please make sure a standing maintenance contract has to be done as degradation of coolants happen with time without maintenance. Maintenance 
contracts are usually renewed automatically after the purchase contract is done. XO will forward the comment to DOB (to discuss level of maintenance contracts: individual or facility wide).

- Datalogger problem: fix will be deployed today at 13:00 and shall not take more than 5 mins. Please contact Wajid E. in case of conflicts.

- Nothing to report.

- Call from DOC related to beam shutter from MID (see below): uncertainty in who could help. A ticket was sent via DOOCS; SRP was involved.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Julabo chiller exchange is ongoing (see below).

- Nothing to report.

- Instruments are fine with mirrors cooling OFF.

- Nothing to report.

- All fine.

- Julabo chiller: repaired unit return is delayed and not arrive today. An emergency plan is on place: transfer chiller from SCS to SPB/SFX is ongoing today.
- Tonight SPB/SFX will not use beam. Between today and tomorrow the new chiller has to be put operational.

- FXE can use the beam tonight if there is the wish.

- D3 shutter: BS6.2.3 shutter; root cause unclear if replacement of PC and/or IP address. Michael Dressel showed how to open shutter “manually” using the interlock box until it is finally repaired. 
Root cause shall be identified still.
- Operation with HXRSS started roughly but today it is better than yesterday (stability as well).

- Nothing to report.

- Problem with DAQ (images could not be saved from detector); looks like slowness but DOC is investigating.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00