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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 40     Entry time: 08 May 2019, 10:10
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 08.05.19  


  • IRDa commissioning ongoing. 
  • CSS. Limit switches re cabling is ongoing. For the next run the old configuration will still be used. RB and MS will meet to make sure the system can be safely (from the component point of view) operated. ==> Solved.
  • Comment from AS: Trigger test with pulse on demand was not succesfull due to missing karabo devices and issues with configuration. For the final fix 10 minutes of beamtine has to be taken from SPB/SFX. This will be agreed with the intrument.


  • Delay servo stages have been commissioned. Right now only one stage is being used.  


  • Integration of the photonic science camera is progressing. Status not clear.
  • MPODS power supplies are behaving strangely. CY will ahve a look.
  • The pnCCD is supposed to be used next week. SQS want to use channels dedicate to other components and work out a temporary solution. AE requested the list of channels to be used but no answer has been received so far. Also, proper CRDs to start preparing the propoer implementation of the controls is still missing.


  • Part of the uTCA system will need to be installed in the hutch (it was planned for the rackroom). Discussion channel is open with AE.


  • Servo motors require fw updates. Being agreed with AE.
  • Loop 7 update is being coordinated for this week between MS and UBoesemberg.


  • For Loop 6 and 8, as well as smaract stages AE is waiting the go ahead from HED to switch on the Beckhoff modules. 

OPT Lasers

  • Laser beam has to be deivered to SCS in 2 weeks. Fw has to be uploaded in the PLCs. AE got the fw export and should upload it by friday this week.
  • There is the request to make the timing signal independent between the SASEs. Will be discussed offline with AE. It should be possible in the winter shutdown.





  • Karabo 2.4.1. improves the pipieline stability. The deployment is strongly suggested to MID and SPB. ==> Deployment schedule for next week monday.




  • GDB cables have been completely produced and are bein installed this week. 
  • Schedule for the Loop 10 and 11 cables installation is confirmed. IN KW25 would be possible to bring the loop up.





  • Presentation showing the MPS schedule  is attached and is showing when the emergency power off system will be triggered. The Beckhoff modules shut down is being organized by AE. It is noted that the instruments should organize the temporary power supply for the vacuum system.
Attachment 1: Technical_Integration_Meeting_07.05.2019_-_Copy.pptx  60 kB  Uploaded 08 May 2019, 11:10
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00