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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 39     Entry time: 06 May 2019, 10:20
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status report after dispatch meeting 09.30 


  • IRDa commissioning ongoing. 
  • For this week AGIPD works and re commissioning of the nanometer mirrors will be perfermed. It is possible that support from AE will be required.
  • CSS. Limit switches re cabling is ongoing. For the next run the old configuration will still be used. RB and MS will meet to make sure the system can be safely (from the component point of view) operated. 


  • Karabo online data analyzer is being used and is stable.
  • LPD no longer overheats but there is still a small leak.
  • Delay stage will be comissioned with the support of AE today.


  • This week SQS will have night shifts. BB will be needed today for motors configuration.
  • Integration of the photonic science camera is progressing (should be with ITDM now)
  • MPODS power supplies are behaving strangely. TB will summarize the issue and send an email to CY


  • The gender of a scroll pump and 4 detectors cables were found to be wrong. According to MT it is not high priority. Nevertheless, EET did not receive any information about whoch cables need to be checked and repaired.
  • List of nice to have electronics fixes has been sent to NJ and AE requested additional feedback. Fedback from MT needed to proceed.


  • The pico motors for the  monos in XTD6 and optics hutch are dead and need to be replaced\fixed. ==> the XTD6 mono was fixed but has problems again. The opt hutch mono works but is still not aligned. Now OK.
  • AE is supporting MID for the integration of 3 user motors. Done.
  • ZZ access today for an intervention on CRL1.
  • Loop 7 update is being coordinated for this week between MS and UBoesemberg.


  • Users assisted commissioning. PVagovic attended. Online processing of data was possible. Characterization ofbeam focus has been done. Data being analyzed.
  • Additional moros will need to be implemented for next run.MS supporting.
  • Mono in XTD 6 requires ZZ access today for fixing.
  • If pulse on demand capability is needed to be used by HED the other instruments need to be informed (especially SQS this week - night shifts) since this mode reduces the beam staibility! This issue should be addressed in general in the operation meetings.

​OPT Lasers





  • Karabo 2.4.1. improves the pipieline stability. The deployment is strongly suggested to MID and SPB.
  • DSSC DAQ was supposed to be tested but more fundamental tests are still being performed. Meeting today at 10 to address the issues.
  • Fast CCD low energy calibration improvement is being discussed.


  • During the WE an issue concerning digitizers and fast ADC was reported. Train ID was not correct. This has not happened before. A fw update solved the issue and is being deployed for all the intruments. A detailed investigation of the reasons is being done. No issue for SQS to have reliable digitizers for the next users run.
  • Servos for FXE implementation ongoing.







  • Mail to STGL for the collection of the next summer shutdown activities has been sent. Deadline is the end of next week.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00