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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 38     Entry time: 03 May 2019, 14:07
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Report after dispatch meeting 9:00 


  • IRDa commissioning ongoing. First images have been taken with the Jungfrau detector. Possible to record using 7 to 8 memory cells, after that there are issues. CAS is having a look. 
  • CRL motors being tested. --> issue with a CRL motor is being addressed (connector issue).  The moto failed mechanically flipping the CRL vessel. It seems to be a common issue with JJXRay CRLs. Issue will be reported to the DH. 
  • AE needs to know when Loop 9 and 10 are expected to run in Summer. KW not yet clear.



  • Cameras and DAQ minor issues have been fixed. The problem was that a karabo device was moved without updating the network configuration. AS is informing people with the right procedure to follow. 
  • SQS will need to be able to switch the trigger off and connect this to the interlock system. This can be done but requires the addidtion of physical connections by AE and needs to be planned. A faster workaround will be discussed offline with PG.


  • The gender of a scroll pump and 4 detectors cables were found to be wrong. MT will ask EET for fixing. ==> MFl will coordinate with SCS for the fix.


  • The pico motors for the  monos in XTD6 and optics hutch are dead and need to be replaced\fixed. ==> the XTD6 mono was fixed but has problems again. The opt hutch mono works but is still not aligned. Ongoing.
  • AE is supporting MID for the integration of 3 user motors. Ongoing.
  • Train ID for AGIPD had issues and the train ID uTCA had to be replaced.


  • Loop8 being commissioned.Works will continue next week (HED has night shifs). 

OPT Lasers






  • During the WE an issue concerning digitizers and fast ADC was reported. Train ID was not correct. This has not happened before. A fw update solved the issue and is being deployed for all the intruments. A detailed investigation of the reasons is being done. No issue for SQS to have reliable digitizers for the next users run.
  • Servos for FXE implementation ongoing.







ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00