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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 371     Entry time: 07 Nov 2022, 09:57
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 07.11.2022 
General Announcement:
- Jan Gruenert, as PRC, reports on the Saturday night access (SA2 remained running) and on Friday evening at XTD6 done by HED. The remainder of the weekend worked well with instruments.
- A. Silenzi, as DRC, says the SA2/HED loop6 had flickering conditions that makes it irresponsible for short times. Apart of it, it was a quiet week.
- A. Galler suggests groups to check the TS announcement concerning the Dec.3rd electrical maintenance as well as the interruption of drinking water from Dec. 2nd. 
It is suggested to reduce the number of people onsite after 15:00 on Friday 02/12.

- Issue with update of cameras: A. Parenti says that this morning an update for Bassler cameras was installed in agreement with A. Koch. 
It addresses the issue that after pressing "stop" at cameras the Karabo was irresponsible. Cameras will be re-instantiated and will be under monitoring for the next days.
- Unresponsiveness of VAC loop6 in HED will be followed up.

- Quiet OCD last week.

- Nothing to report.

- Saturday evening in SA3: failure of fast valve controller for interface to Desy. Access by VAC-OCD and PRC was needed to exchange the controller and beam interruption of 4.5hs in the north branch 
happened (investigation + access). 
Rack 3.1 was affected (located behind the concrete wall at the dump).

- All fine with XPD.

- Nothing to report.

- Status of "Readthedocs": the possibility to generate new documentation is now fixed by a workaround. In mid-term a different documentation system will be used - still to be decided.
- Pre-announcement: 
1. upgrade of InfluxDB to happen during the winter maintenance period; 
2. today the update of Graphana is taking place at a proposed time 15:00 (service down for a short period). An e-mail will be sent and in case of any concerns from other groups it may be shifted to next 

- Nothing to report.

- Regular maintenance and tests being carried out today.

- Issues with SA3 cell9 and cell17 undulators which had taper values blocking their movement. It was solved from remote action.

- Good data were measured last week.

- Nothing to report; experiment was successful.

- All fine at MID.

- Apart of small issue last Friday, nothing to report.
- Transmission with MONO was too low and HED decided to stop using it during the weekend. 
- J. Gruenert adds the recalibration of SA2 XGM has to be done when changing beam path or alignment of beam.

- Preparation for beamtime; issue with motion being addressed.

- Not present.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00