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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 364     Entry time: 10 Oct 2022, 10:09
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 10.10.2022 
General Announcement:
- Wajid E. reminds DOC is not working this week but the DRC will take the calls over the week and redirect to respective OCD inside DATA department.
- Olivier M. mentions to use for contacting the DRCs. However, the fastest way to communicate for urgent matters is using the regular DOC/DRC phone number.
- Martin D. updates the status of winter maintenance period: 
1. MTLs are in general with lower quality as compared to previous maintenance time (e.g. starting and ending dates); 
2. Groups will be contacted back by XO and meetings with groups will be scheduled in the coming days. 
- A. Galler shows the TTFinfo/schedule to inform on the schedule for this Blue/FD week starting today.

- X-ray feedback device reported by MID: device did not provide feedback for beam position. A bug fix was applied and it worked. 
CTRL proposes to apply to all other location today. No objections from the instruments appear during this meeting - so it will take place today.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- XTD6 was opened today for work on the high resolution Mono. It will stay open at least today and tomorrow.
- On Saturday VAC OCD approved to borrow a He bottle to MID. MID will return back to VAC today for He leak tests in tunnels.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing major to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Mikako M. enquires on the Blue week schedule: A. Galler says that requesters that got beamtime granted must be informed already.

- SA1 PP-laser will test the trigger delay;
- LAS is performing SA3 PPL tuning for handling laser to SQS instruments.
- A. Galler says that optical sync was lost during the weekend in all instruments. The RF sync was on 30fs RMS performance which could be used.
- Request for access in SA3 was done (fixing PS motors in cell 20 and 21): mostly to be done tomorrow or Wednesday.

- Nothing to report.

- PP-laser sync problems (6x last week) with loosing timing. It put the PPODL device into Error state; it could be recovered automatically but the laser timing wasn't conserved. 
So in about half the events the laser timing changed by 2-5 ns. Ticket was placed.

- Thanks to VAC for borrowing He bottle.
- Problems with optical sync; otherwise all fine.

- Nothing major to report.

- Issues with Optical sync: drop happening on the Desy side (which do not have OCD on the weekend). After loosing Sync it took long to recover synchronization. At total about 15hs of beamtime was lost.
- There is no good alarm system indicating the sync was lost. This can be addressed at EuXFEL side. Steffen H. adds that a ticket is ongoing now and a good way for displaying will be worked out.

- Nothing to report.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00