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  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 359     Entry time: 19 Sep 2022, 09:54
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 19.09.2022 
General Announcement:
- General announcement: reminder that on September 30th is the deadline to submit the winter maintenance task list. Tasks that are announced later may be included but it cannot be guaranteed to be 
scheduled in the planning.

- Nothing major to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Update in SA3 EPS taking place today to add the SXP imagers.

- ZZs taking place last Thursday to bring up VAC signal to North branch: currently looking into causes of XTD2 hiccups.

- Thursday event with issues with hard X-ray PES: one channel for the digitizer saw an increased noise; also the MPODS that supply voltages did not restart and a ZZ is necessary to be brought the PES 
operational again.
- Another ZZ is requested by Naresh K. in XTD6. This is scheduled for today.

- Nothing to report.

- Issue with loading of calibration factors taking long time: it did not happen again.

- Nothing to report. As PRC Maurizio V. reported a quiet weekend.

- Nothing to report.

- Friday cell 12/SA3 phase shifter did not go below 11mm. If this is required again in the future one has to prepare working tables.

- The 20keV operation was fine apart of the intensity slope trough the train. 

- Nothing to report. No known issues with 12 keV operation on Friday.

- All fine at MID.

- Two user beamtimes were successful. 
- One hiccup was an issue with Cluster on Saturday night. That remain for 5-6 hours but was fixed by K. Wrona, who says that it is linked to the high number of created files. 
He increased it by a factor 10 to solve the issue. There are possibilities for improvements that will be discussed among HED, DA and ITDM. Similar experiment will happen again in two weeks.

- Experiment taking place this week: electrical check ongoing and PLC connection also.

- Nothing to report.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00